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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Adell sucks. I gave him a chance because so many people around here kissed his ass, but after *actually watching him* the past couple seasons, the proof has been on the field. He swings through fastballs down the pipe, too many K's, you can't rely on him with a bat. He biffs basic plays in the outfield, he can't read the ball, he's a liability out there. Some want to keep giving him "time" to "work it out," but nobody has been ever able to say when do we pull the plug? When is enough, enough? I say it was after we gave him full time starter and we saw zero improvement. Not me. I had no preconceived notions about Adell, gave him a fair chance to see how he could perform, and he's still been a dissapointment. I agree with what other posters on this board have said, if he thinks he should be anywhere else than where he is now, he needs to look at his stats and face reality.
  2. When Trevor Bauer is 15-2 with a 2.26 ERA for the Pittsburgh Pirates...
  3. Seriously fuck that guy. Plus he was a huge pussy when Joe Kelly threw at him. Off-topic: So I am too young to have watched SNL when Dan Aykroyd was on there...but... ...is this where Michael from The Office got the line from when he said "Dwight, you ignorant slut!" Because I never knew it was connected to SNL.
  4. Typical unproductive post from Strad. Can't imagine what it feels like to never make a productive post on this forum, ever.
  5. We would be so lucky to get a hard working beast like Bauer. That dude just wants to throw a baseball and win.
  6. I know some of you have hope from watching the driveline crap, but it's not going to fix him. He can't field. He can't hit fastballs. He is unreliable, he doesn't come through, he is a constant liability. It's time to move on. We can't keep having wasted at bats with RISP and errors in the outfield on routine plays if we expect to make the playoffs. It's one of the most obvious lost causes we have and there are so few people on this website willing to acknowledge it and I don't know why.
  7. Aw man, the Green Ranger. What's amazing to me is what a babe Amy Jo Johnson still is.
  8. The day after Thanksgiving is when I think it is acceptable to start putting Christmas Decorations up. I usually wait until December 1st. Same with the tree.
  9. Saw those in Yellowstone during the winter a couple years ago. Absolutely beautiful and majestic birds.
  10. Never seen the whole thing. Tried to watch it recently but it was so bad I think I turned it off after 20 mins. Some of those 90's action movies are downright terrible, Face/Off comes to mind, I mean the boat scene. Really?
  11. I like this move, but we need bats. We can have all the starting pitching in the world but if these guys are looking at pitches down the pipe for strike 3, or whiffing at pitches that are strikes while swinging at 55 foot breaking balls, holding the opposition to 1 or 2 runs doesn't mean shit.
  12. Thanks for not beating me up too badly for bringing it up.
  13. Yeah sorry, Jason. Numbers have dropped, but maybe a new environment would help. Pretty sure we could have him practically for free. Better than Adell out there in left.
  14. Ward is still afraid of that wall, you could see it in the way he played after the injury. Don't expect to see him laying out for anything close, he plays it safe now, and lets singles fall for doubles over his head. Which is a big bummer. Might be able to pick it up with the bat, but really, we've all seen this before. Should we really gamble on him to come through? I don't expect much from him. Another Angel ruined by a freak accident.
  15. What do you guys think about sticking Jason Heyward in left field? Cubs are paying his salary, just need to pick him up. It'd be nice to be on the other end of getting a player being paid by another team for once.
  16. I don't understand anyone who would ever want to increase taxes or who is against getting rid of a majority of them. It's obvious to me the federal and state governments have absolutely no idea how to allocate the money they receive, and it blows my mind that anyone would want to give them more. If you're a person that feels like more money should go towards schools, healthcare, etc., you are more than welcome to donate any of your money to the state or federal government for that cause. Why should I or anyone else be forced to have my money taken away for causes I don't think are ran efficiently? I would love for things to be ran by privatized by companies that know how to efficiently run a company and produce results. I would be more than happy to give to healthcare, schools, homeless issues, retirement contributions if I knew that they were actually making a difference. Do people really think the government knows how to spend my money better than I can? I am fine paying taxes for roads/infrastructure of the state/country and also the military for keeping us safe from foreign nations. But beyond that I want the goddamn government out of my pocket. Also hate this idea that people that make more money should pay more. Why? Does a person that makes $20 Million a year see ANY substantial benefit to paying more taxes when they drive around where they live? Do they need more services from the government than people who don't work at all? All these taxes we pay for don't solve any of the issues we bitch and moan about and it needs to stop. Quick mention is the homeless problem in California. Billions of dollars have been flushed down the toilet to "fix" the problem, but I've never seen more homeless people in California than I do now when I visit my family and friends every couple months. These dickwads don't know what they're doing, and I want less government getting in the way of us actually fixing the problems we have.
  17. Looks like USH will be getting a Fast and Furious launch coaster with "drifting" cars. Kind of a bummer, I wish they would have gone more the Velocicoaster route. But it will be nice to have another coaster in Southern California, and in a park that has way too many sit in a car and watch a screen type attractions. What POS? I actually love Splash Mountain as well, enjoy the throwback to the old movie, would much rather them revamp what they have there now but you know...gotta be woke.
  18. I'm not going to hate on getting a quality starting arm, but wasn't the issue this season our bats? We had guys like Ohtani and Sandoval pitching their heart out for 6+ innings and then Stassi, Adell and Walsh would watch strike 3 with runners in scoring position. Fletcher, Velazquez and the AA replacements would hit unproductive pop ups or ground outs.
  19. Makes sense. Sometimes I do that with Drumsticks, eat the waffle cone and leave that chocolate cone at the bottom for last. Blarg I know you're dumb, old, fat and ugly. You lack a sense of humor and probably smell like poopy diapers. But are you retarded? Like seriously, are you a retarded person? I don't know what that means. I do know in a thread about Halloween Candy there are way too many bunched up panties.
  20. That's how I am with peanut M&M's. I don't like how the brown ones taste, I toss those right in the trash. The red and blue ones are my favorite.
  21. If the Phils can't win 2 at home I can't imagine them winning 2 in Houston.
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