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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Oh dear god no...can we please be done with the Adell experiment? Dude gets under the big lights and becomes a huge pussy. I'll be happy to stick with Renfroe and give him a chance through atleast June.
  2. Hell yeah Renfroe. We'll take the insurance. What a lovely Saturday evening.
  3. That's ridiculous! I mean I can't believe anyone would actually read the Times these days...
  4. Everyone knows the best thing to do after you get a lead is to give the opposing teams first batter up a free bag.
  5. Jesus...Vlad Jr and Chapman both have averages in the .450 range to start the season...
  6. I'm not confident Walsh will be the solution to this problem...his 2nd half was pretty horrid last year...
  7. I always went to Angel games when I was a kid because it was so much closer to the house when I grew up (5 - 10 minutes away). Rarely went to Doyer games, and even back in the late 90's the experience getting in and out, combined with Los Angeles traffic was absolutely horrid. I was on the fence when I was growing up and was fine with the Doyers until 1998 when they traded Mike Piazza, broke my heart as a young kid, and then I was done. It was Angels for life after that. Getting in and out of the stadium sucks, the fans suck and are obnoxious no matter where you see them (especially at away games), Los Angeles sucks because it's dirty and smells like piss and bums (I'll never understand the pride people from LA have). As far as the actual team itself, have to hand it to them, they know how to play baseball...but I just can't root for them. Pretty sure we already are...the curse of changing the team name to Los Angeles for money...
  8. Yeah I know the last game or two on the road he seemed hesitant to dive, but honestly I feel like he was just playing those balls safe. When he's going back on the wall he looks very comfortable now...and even on that catch, did not seem to be worried about the wall. Jays pitcher has thrown 14 pitches, 11 for strikes in 2 innings against our 1-6.
  9. Erica is definitely an attractive lady, but needs to take it easy on that cheek blush...
  10. ^I watch on MLB TV and the games are hardly ever blacked out... Angels up to bat bot 1, no score. Let's get some early runs! Really? I've watched a lot of Blue Jay games the past couple years, they seem fine to me. I especially like the older play by play guy...but to each his own...
  11. It wouldn't have been that close if he kept Moore in. But...doesn't matter now, just glad it didn't bite us in the ass...time to move on...
  12. Light it up! WOW! Halos win the Series. 4-3 victory...
  13. I know Trout walked a lot this series, which helps...but not really the offensive series we were expecting from him...seen a lot of swing and misses...
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