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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. I wish Gubi would drop the "always cheery, nothing but good things to say" schtick he never seems to let go of...
  2. Who cares. So sick of his excuses. He sucks. His defense since putting on a halo uniform is laughable.
  3. Let's see how Trout does here in a situation where we need a clutch hit later in the game...
  4. Why does Ohtani put his hands on the back of his helmet when he gets back to 1st base on a pick off? So the ball hits his hands instead of his helmet?
  5. Just noticed Canning kinda looks like a grown up, better looking Haley Joel Osment.
  6. I don't remember what freeway we were on a couple weeks ago in Vegas but yes, it reminded me of LA traffic. The freeway was horribly organized, did not seem like it was designed with the capacity of cars on the road. Really made me understand less why anyone would want to live there.
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