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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. We pay them for the success they *had*...a terrible strategy...
  2. 100% agree. They call it a "slump" and yet he's atill hitting .275 with 10 homers...the GOAT will be fine... 100% disagree. He is still a beast to watch, I don't think I'm alone in saying he's one at bat you never wanna miss.
  3. No clue how you could possibly make that predication. The fact is he's overpaid, never healthy, barely produces, and is intolerably unreliable.
  4. Go Wallach Go! Disagree. These phases tend to happen. I'm not a big "statcasty" guy so sorry if that's what you're looking for, I go off of watching what I see. His pitches are ending in the hit zone, and he's throwing expected pitches in situations where batters are waiting for it. The best strategy in pitching is screwing with the batters mind. So it's a combination of missing where the pitch should end, and also not having the right pitch in that situation. Ohtani is calling his own pitches, and I understand some people have a problem with that, but I'm more the type of person where if you're gonna trust him, I'll let him make mistakes, and figure it out on his own. Let him fix those mistakes with his bat, he tends to do it when he's pitching. Oakland A's dark green hat with yellow bill win IMHO. PHENOMENAL photo. Take down the stands, bring this shit back. Anytime the Halo's win is a great day. LIGHT IT!
  5. @Tank Thanx. Want Walsh back, and want him slugging. Hope he gets it together, hope it happens soon.
  6. Seeing Ohtani giving up homers while pitching, then doing his own to make up for it, with an absolute no doubter...was spectacular.
  7. I never want any of those cheating asstros on our team...It's a shame fans don't boo him every time he steps up to the plate just because he changed the jersey he's wearing. Eff that ess. Good. Gotta be honest, I was so glad Urshela joined the Halos. Every time I watch a game he makes a great play at third *cough* *Rendon* or wherever he is as he's essentially become a utility player, and then he gets a knock or two. And it always seems to be clutch or starts something where runs score. Plus I feel like a little of that Stankee blood molded him pretty good. Sure you can pull numbers that reflect badly, I get it, there's things he lacks. But he's hitting .280, looks like he's lost power but that's okay, there's plenty of other guys that do that. He's definitely been an asset for this team. Long post but my point is: Yes, Rendon is a bust. Guy is horseshit. I'm so sick of his constant pussy injury crap.
  8. Wallach 2 for 2 with an oppo blast to tie the game...what a chump... @Blarg
  9. Unique that in a FA year Ohtani is kinda...lowering his price tag. LET'S GO BATS!
  10. Happy to see Wallach back in the lineup! @Blarg Speaking of Walsh, what's going on with that dude?
  11. Yup. Anyone change their minds yet?
  12. I'm so sick of this guy. All they do on TV is rave about how great he is to be in the lineup, but realistically he doesn't do shit. He's erratic with his throws to first base, from what I've seen at the plate he's a slap hitter with barely any power.
  13. Rendon with a groin strain, lol what a joke... I saw the O's against the Rays last Monday and man, they couldn't hit shit. Hoping the same happens today, and Ohtani takes control of the series in game 1...
  14. I'm glad that dude in Oakland called him a bitch so I didn't have to be there to do it... Holy hell, can't think of a bigger pussy we've had on this team...
  15. I always thought he could put up a .300 season for a 10 year run (I think Vlad did that at some point during his career), but something **is** different with him lately. He looks dialed in, but makes weird decisions at the plate, and I feel like he fouls off or watches "his" pitch more than he used to. Him not coming through in clutch situations (with RISP) throws me off a little bit too. I dunno, I never worry about him. He'll go on a tear at some point, but there is a weird aura about this team not being able to be succesful with what they have. The Angels should be playing much better than they are. I'm sure Ohtani likes it here, but I wouldn't expect him to stay.
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