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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Wow. Giolito was literally that girl you get in bed with cause she's tempting. Give her a couple chances for a few weeks then give her the boot cause it's lousy. Goddamn what a disappointment that dude was, but I'm glad they canned him. Syndergaard is unfixable, lack of movement on his pitches. Doyers figured that out, guess they just had to see it theirselves. He's got good ones, I know the consensus is to crap on him, but always nice to have to some feathers ruffled 'round here. I will contend with anyone that Lea Thompson was a f***in' babe in her prime, like I would say top 5 in my books as an underrated hottie. Until like 5 years ago, she still looked great. I would. All day every day.
  2. I've done this with the Rays. Arozarena, Yandy, the Lowe's, and Fairbanks coming in to close my gosh they are so much fun to watch. And I love their commentators. I saw them at Camden Yards by chance, and Randy threw me a ball when he was in left field --instant fan forever-- he was so good with the fans. It's nice to have that "alternative" with MLB.tv or whatnot in these unwatchable times, for sure.
  3. I'm definitely rooting for him. He looks different this year, for sure, and you could see it right at the beginning of the season like something clicked for him.
  4. Yeah. What these 3 have in common is they didn't give a shit about performing once they put on an Angel uniform, and at that point it's hard to even respect them as men, much less ballplayers.
  5. They will now get exactly 100 losses. Thanks brah.
  6. Well their W-L record in August certainly reflects that. I can't remember the last time this team shit the bed so horribly in August with so much going for them, and the moves they made. It's almost like all those acquisitions before the deadline made the team worse. 7-19 in August, yikes.
  7. He'll get picked up by a team that can practically pay him nothing because we're footing the bill, then he'll stay healthy for a prolonged period of time and start raking for them. Then every series he faces us he'll rock our pitchers for RBI doubles and average 2 homers probably in very clutch situations (His defense is absolutely horrible, so I wouldn't expect that to get any better against us no matter which teams he plays for). Getting so tired of the same song and dance from these assholes.
  8. I thought it was bad when he was here, looks like he added gross long wet greasy slippery hair that probably smells like a hobo to his repertoire.
  9. Treadmills put a lot of stress on ankles and knees, and as we know with Pujols' belly after he got here, I'm sure he was avoiding making his ankles and knees worse. You could even tell he was struggling when he was chugging around the bases after a homer. Weightless treadmill lets you get cardio in without (or with less) the additional repetitious wear and tear on ankles and knees. Honestly though, if Pujols would have just jumped in a pool and swam laps for an hour a day it probably would have been better for him.
  10. Glad to finally clear the air on what 90% of what this board already knew. Reddit is a cesspool of leftist censorship, case in point. We don't need any of those commies coming here anyway. Noice! No doubt he was definitely cold shouldered by Ohtani. Good. If I was amoung the best in the game I wouldn't want to touch any infectious cancer, either, don't need it rubbing off on Ohtani that's for sure.
  11. Of course it's a combination of multiple things stemming from owner led acquisitions, to on field decisions during games, to the ineptitude of even our athletic staff. But every season that goes by where a key player gets injured by a freak accident, or a once great player comes here and shits the bed, or we don't make the playoffs, or we don't have a winning record; it really is starting to feel like a curse. And I can't think of a better (worse?) point in time that it all started going downhill, than when the new owner idiotically changed the name of the team purely for market share, after they won their first World Series in franchise history while being called the Anaheim Angels.
  12. $130,000,000 in injury pay this season. Financially speaking, that has to be arguably the worst injury season in MLB History.
  13. Adams pulled an Adell with 2 outs, and his error gave the Rays a chance to put this game out of reach. Why can't we get a rookie who can catch a GD flyball?
  14. Finally somebody recognizes the garbage throws from 3rd base. Good thing they signed Moose who throws dimes. Let's hope. People understand the extent of this injury, people are just sick of the dude never actually playing. And when he does play, he sucks.
  15. This thread has been great. 1 of 3, if we're lucky. I woulda bet $100 we won't win 2, but nobody took me up on it. Gentleman. Gentleladies. You're just watching how a well oiled TB machine with a dumpy stadium works against an Orange County organization with absolutely no clue how to run a ballclub. I love my Halos, but TB knows how to win. Take notes Minasian!
  16. I don't really give a shit about anything Rendon says. He's been a little bitch the second he signed with the Angels. Don't like it Rendon? Prove us wrong. Show up and hit .300. Throw better than Moustakas from 3rd. Hit a couple homers, you pussy. I'd UFC Rendon into the ground for free just to show him what a lousy pansy he is at this point.
  17. Nobody likes him, he'll destroy his reputation by himself.
  18. I don't endorse banning, at all. That's what democrats do when they're losing. You don't like what he says? Beat him at his own game, brah.
  19. I have faith in Adams. More than Adell. Good frame of mind. Take a chill pill on those throws tho bro. Trout: Please don't rush. The season is over. Recover, train, look to the future, we don't need you now. Cron, lol. Rendon, please, just dump him. I'm so sick of people on the telecast talking about Rendon like he's some godsend when he's been nothing but a useless dumpster fire (some dumpster fires are useful).
  20. I'll bet you $100 Angels don't win more than 1 game in this scheduled series. I love my Halos, but let's be honest.
  21. Unofficial answer is yes. Official answer is Hilary who?
  22. It's not odd for me, auto spell screws up my typing constantly. But boards use spelling as a "gotcha dumbass" when it's like..."not really..." Either way, it's all good Angels will be lucky if they get 1 out of 3.
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