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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Without a doubt my favorite Angels logo...although the lowercase "a" one is a close second... Actually, I thought the button-downs looked a lot better. The pull-overs look like they're made for a little league team...
  2. For a second I thought that ball might do some damage...I think Percival might have thought that too...and probably everyone in the stadium...
  3. los doyers are little whiney bitches. If they wanted him off the roster, that just makes me want him on the Angels more.
  4. It could be a start, that's for sure. What's wrong with his personality? He doesn't "say" or "act" the way MLB wants him to? Screw them.
  5. I don't know if it's "the direction" of the team, but it probably doesn't help team morale. Think of the stories the radio commentators used to talk about, being on the road with the players and bullshitting with them. It keeps them loose. The Halos apparently don't get that.
  6. I like it a lot. I get the 2 slider meal, I don't add cheese, and it's $15 after tax. I've never been able to eat it all. I've done the hottest flavor Reaper and it BURNS like hell, and I have a high tolerance for heat, but I had tears coming out of my eyes...so if you like hot, I'd consider the Extra Hot or lower to not ruin your meal. They'll let you get 2 kinds of flavors on each slider. They call them sliders because they put the chicken on smaller size rolls, but out here in the Arizona locations, the chicken has always been hearty and bursting out the sides. Comes with coleslaw and pickles on the sandwich, which I love. The Dave's sauce is good too with the fries. They also give you extra pickles, and you can get honey to throw on there if you want. I can't really think of another place I've tried that tastes anything like it. I know for sure it beats Raising Canes, not going to say it beats Jesus Chicken which is kind of in a league of its own. I'd give it a try, it's definitely different from other chicken places going on these days.
  7. To beat the $15 Mill he's already been offered. Compared to other signings of the past decade and a half, that would be a steal.
  8. no reason to be grumpy gills in the fast food thread
  9. Filthy movement on his stuff. Everybody hates on the Angels already, so it's stupid they wouldn't be willing to sign the guy. The entire Bauer situation is just absurd. Maybe 2 years, $40 Million? See how it goes, then keep him for longer based on our good will of being the only team who was willing to bring him back. He works his ass off and would give us a little of that fire under the ass that this team needs.
  10. This sums it up quite well. One quick stupid example of this I can't get over is the insistence on not having our TV commentators travel. It just seems absurdly cheap, tacky, and gives more ammo to all our haters who already have plenty. Get with the effing program Arte, but since we all know you won't, give it up to someone who will.
  11. Not only a great Christmas song, but one of my favorites from Blink 182.
  12. I kinda get the appeal for others, as it sounds good on paper, and I love pretty much all Mexican food (minus ceviche), but I don't care for tamales either. Something about the cornmeal or whatever is on the outside of the meat has never sat well with me. I must have tried dozens over the years, and I just don't seem to get why people rave about them. Rather have an enchilada or some tacos or a burrito.
  13. Just for funzees I wanted to see how many games Albert Pujols' batting average was above .300 in an Angel Jersey. 9 games. There were only 9 games over the course of 9.5 years that his batting average was above .300 (which at the time of signing his career average was over .300) and it just speaks to the disappointment he was with the Halos. *shakes head* such a goddamn shame. 2012-0 2013-7 2014-1 2015-0 2016-0 2017-0 2018-1 2019-0 2020-0 2021-0
  14. This is the first lineup I've seen since the Ohtani trade, and I gotta say it's weird not seeing him in it. I think the reality of his absence just hit me. We're in trouble LOL.
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