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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. SSSSSHHHHHHHHHHOCKING. So Artie single-handedly dicking this organization isn't just new, it's been going on for well over a decade. As prestigious as it is, or as they make it seem, I now look at these types of "perennial"accomplishments" the same way I look at other awards like Gold Gloves, or Oscars, blah blah etc. The more glaringly obvious it gets that people in charge of handing out these pieces of metal have no idea what the hell they're doing, the less I care.
  2. It definitely has that "30 year or more" reputation for people who don't actually visit there, but my brother lived in Oakland for 5 years (2015-2020) and we would go once or twice a year to visit him, and it wasn't that bad. It definitely wasn't great, but I wouldn't have described it as the shithole it is now. You didn't feel unsafe to walk around. We never had an issue, and we'd close bars and make the miles walking home at 2, 3am. Of course, results for others may vary. Good. Let it burn to the ground. Let the low lifes that voted for them feel the repercussions of their poor decision making, they did it to themselves. Wild guess.
  3. Can't get on board with Bauer, but Chapman, give that guy the green light... Aroldis Chapman: 'I'm apologizing because of the use of the gun' (usatoday.com)
  4. Well, everyone except for Strad, apparently...
  5. When a business decides to leave a city after 18 years because those in charge of said city can't get their heads out of their asses, I think it's time for them to take a good hard look in the mirror. It's remarkable how quickly the Bay Area has gone to the shitter in what seems like less than a decade. But hey, at least they're woke.
  6. Nah. You don't get it. I was responding to Strad, who used the word "fans" initially, so it was a response in that jest. If you have a problem with using the word fans, take it up with him. Or you can just stop with the irrelevant pettiness.
  7. I went with my buddies in August and we had a great time. We went to that bar in CaliAdventure by the lake, had our hands full with to-go double Tequila sodas, and walked around getting buzzed. Then we rode CaliScreamin and ToT. Of course it cost us $15+ a drink but it was totally worth it.
  8. Yah so if you CLICKED THE LINK to read that thread you'd see it's anything but nothing, but here, I'll repeat it just for you slow folks: Suspension following the fan attack in Oakland...playing 148 out of 486 games the past 3 years (out almost 70% of the time)...lax attitude followed by horseshit performance... A majority of the board here clearly sees it, don't know why it's so difficult for a minority of you...
  9. I just hate when they stuff BB's with a ton of potatoes, seems like such flavorless filler in a burrito that I think should just be eggs, sausage/bacon, cheese and salsa. I can let it slide with hashbrowns in there though, they add a nice crunch.
  10. I really think individual experiences are going to be based on the quality of the chiropractor. I had shin splints from cross country that a chiropractor helped alleviate tremendously while no doctor I talked to provided solutions. I no longer have shin splints, and I do cardio during workouts. My dad had back issues that he went to doctors for multiple tests, and they couldn't come up with a solution besides pain medication. He went to the chiropractor who diagnosed his issue and have helped relieve his pain through physical therapy once a week. He still goes from time to time if it flares up, but it's not a repetitious cycle. Of course this is a chiropractor that family/friends have known for over 20 years, so results may vary. I think it's more an option to try out if all else has failed, definitely not the end all be all.
  11. There's a Rendon thread for that, just go to page 9. ...and apparently, Ohtani agrees, Rendon is probably part of why he left...
  12. There are many reasons fans think Rendon is a clubhouse cancer, and "he doesn't talk to the media" is not even one of them.
  13. Dutch Bros? They have those in California now? They're all over the place out here in Arizona, didn't know they made the migration.
  14. Proclaiming that Rendon *could* *maybe* *probably* perform "if he stayed healthy" seems pretty absurd to me. If the dude can't stay healthy, he's just as useless as if he sucked. I'm not "big mad" at Rendon because he gets hurt, but I'm not going to rally behind a guy we can't depend on. And I'm not going to assume he would be a superstar if he wasn't hurt, because he hasn't proven it in an Angel uniform. Combine his off-field debacles (in Oakland with the fan, and with Seattle in the brawl) and horseshit lax attitude both when he's playing and when he's not (the tone in this interview being baseball "just isn't that important" to him), and I don't think it's impractical to be altogether fed up with him. Sure. But he doesn't. It's the same logic a majority of members on here use to determine why we should sign Bauer. But when you have off-the-field conduct, combined with constant injuries, combined with poor performance, well it just becomes a snowball effect of what is the actual upside of having this Rendon guy on our team?
  15. In that case it barely seems worth it. They should just stop doing them all together then, screw those who benefit. So sick of this guys constant negative spins combined with the shit for brains attitude.
  16. I don't get it. Although I don't really read/understand what Ron says anyway so no wonder I'm lost. I have zero interest in anything Rendon until he shows up on the field and plays like he wants to win. We've had this discussion ad nauseum in multiple threads and throughout the season in gameday chats, and I think 75% consensus on this board is "Rendon is a bust," and a majority of us would rather not have him, his shit attitude and his piss poor performance on our team.
  17. ...something something lasagna buffet, something something laughing crotch picture...
  18. I'm in. Might bring a buddy and will add a 2nd tix somewhere closer to the date, if that's cool. Also in. I'm familiar with that location. A good time will be had by all.
  19. I don't get what all the fuss is about.
  20. Try 3 x 2 or 2 x 1 in the protein style. The cheese is a little overpowering, so go 1 slice less than patty and you can taste the meat more better.
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