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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Butterfly on lower back? Yup. Magic Mountain is way better for the coasters. It's also ghetto and the crowd is a crapshoot, but I usually suck that up for a couple hours to go on the coasters.
  2. You know I was wondering about him too. As much as I don't want to encourage Tony's too blessed behavior by counting on him to show up at all, Chapman is solid at 3rd and would be a nice consistent bat in the lineup. In fact if we could swapt him for Rendon (contract and all) for the forseeable future I'd do it in a heartbeat.
  3. I've felt this way for years and I am far far from retiring age. Know it's cliche, but time really does go by quickly, one day you look back and wonder where it all went.
  4. They're stubbornly consistent with populating, that's for sure. How were the crowds? Was it packed? I'm starting to really not have patience when it comes to parks that are overcrowded, it tends to ruin my enjoyment, and in some cases I'd rather just leave and come back another day when it's less busy. Especially at parks in California. It really depends on the crowd, but sometimes it's borderline unbearable. Yup.
  5. Every Baskin Robbins I've driven by for the past 2 decades has been empty. I can get a pint of Kroger rocky road for $1.50. I would rather have Dairy Queen if I go out for ice cream/soft serve. I honestly don't know how they've stayed in business.
  6. See. Finally someone who's talking some sense. The solution to #TonyTooBlessed is not that difficult, and I really don't feel like that's asking very much of him.
  7. Lets get into the GD Postseason to get the monkey off our back, because anything can happen once you're there. Trout, if not 100% through the season, would be able to take the time off after we clinch to rest up (hopefully a week or more), then still manage to go out there for the playoff games. We gotta get rid of this dark shadow that's looming over us, and clinching the year after Ohtani leaves would definitely make a statement.
  8. So is @Stradling saying we didn't have nearly as many guys out nearly as long as @Blarg is claiming? If that's the case, we still sucked a big fattie the last 4-5 seasons when guys WEREN'T out as long as we thought? Embarrassing. We haven't had a winning season since 2015. I wish I didn't know that.
  9. Bummed I missed out on this, never even knew it existed until now. Only one I could find for sale is now $400.
  10. Yeah, I'm all for being aggressive. And I understand that aggressiveness is "what got them there" because I've seen them pull it off a lot this season. But if you're looking at 4th and 3, 4th and 5, and you have a pretty decent lead, at that point you need to take the points IMO. As much as I hate to admit because I'm sick of seeing the Chiefs, Mahomes has a reputation for absolutely taking advantage of those situations when they don't pan out. 3 might not seem like much, but at least it's points, and it would have given a little momentum back to the offense. Hindsight, of course.
  11. Atleast we got Aaron Hicks to help us turn things around.
  12. That's a low bar to set the standard for what qualifies as brave.
  13. That picture reminds me of the POV music video for Smack my Bitch Up by Prodigy.
  14. This is part of a players development, dealing with the pressure. Do you think a playoff contending team is concerned about "undue pressure" on their players? Of course not. Kid's going to have to deal with it at some point, the sooner the better. He's already better that Wood and Adell combined, so I'm not worried about him, and it will be exciting to watch him this season in a position we've sorely needed improvement in for so long.
  15. I'm so sick of people complaining about In N Out fries. It's like they miss the entire point, and don't seem to grasp the mentality of In N Out. They're as real a fry as you can get at a fast food joint, period. And making fresh fries at home is a pain in the ass. If someone doesn't like In N Outs fries, it just means they don't like real fries. Which is fine, if you want overprocessed super crispy not real french fries that turn to garbage 5 minutes after they get cold, go somewhere else. I like those too from time to time, but you can get those anywhere. Complaining about real fresh fries from a place that makes real fresh food in every other aspect is just absurd. I love In N Out fries, they're perfect.
  16. Being a doyer fan is the west coast version of being a Stankees fan...if you root for them, you don't really like baseball. Typical answering questions nobody asked.
  17. It is past my last concern. I don't know what's going on with these other folks LOL You probably won't anyway, so just get what you like. I enjoy big menus, I like variety, it's like a fun journey that ends in my bellahh.
  18. Neither is going to happen so why even have a discussion about it.
  19. I'm pissed that he doesn't, and thankful that you did. This gave me a good laugh, now THAT would be some gold footage.
  20. 100% agree. HARD no on Votto. Past his prime is right. He'd come here and just go through the motions to make sure he could cash his checks each week. At this point it'd basically be paying for a name on the back of the jersey. We already have one of those with #TonyTooBlessed. Totally on board with Turner. Dude rakes and knows how to hit in high pressure situations. I'd put him right behind Trout. You're going to get .275 BA or above, OPS above .800, and he has a career strikeout rate of 17.2% which is exactly what this team needs, a guy who puts balls in play. You wanna talk about a player who will produce WHILE being a mentor for the young guys? Turner fits the bill.
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