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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. This is like being in a nightmare where you scream for help, but no sound comes out. Throw punches, but no impact. Run, but go nowhere. I am blown away that a beautiful baseball organization with so much potential over the past 2-3 decades has become such an absolute travesty. Trout you are my man, but get out of here as soon as you can, and go win some rings. You deserve so much better.
  2. I hope none of them get signed. Just for the owners to make a point that they're not putting up with his horseshit anymore.
  3. I would be thrilled and it would be the best move this organization has made since locking down Trout/welcoming Shohei to pitch and bat.
  4. Think he got caught with a corked bat at some point.
  5. 1. Flush money down the terlit (that wouldn't happen, plus we already do that anyway) 2. He lights a fire under the team's ass and helps us make the playoffs. It'd be nice to add some snotty 'tude to this team.
  6. I'm just glad I'm not involved as a participant in this discussion. I've made it, ma!
  7. Leaving Cali now at LB Airport, shoulda stopped by for din wif my buddies for gigs but just saw this now. I'd say you gotta try it at least once.
  8. ...don't mean shit. tdawg87 as you know from watching the games and the GD Threads it's been like this for at least 5 years now, and we've all been saying it for way too long. Maybe I'm just pointing the finger because I have a bit of a chip on my shoulder about him, but I feel like it really started getting bad once Albert got here. It's definitely a testament to the god awful offense we've had during this streak of losing seasons. All they have to do is go up there and swing at strikes, because it's so obvious when they commit before the pitch is even thrown, and it seems to be contagious on this team. Apologies for raining on your parade, but this is never going to happen. Not in an Angels uniform, anyway.
  9. Great summary of exactly what is happening. I yearn for the days where defiance to the status quo was admirable and welcomed. Seems these days "fall in line and shut up or we'll destroy your life" has become the norm and TBH I'm fed up with it.
  10. I aboslutely LOVED Tony Phillips' batting stance. Dude looked loaded and ready to blast every time he stood up at the plate. I actually never knew Bo Jackson played for the Angels, 94 I was still pretty young. Looks like he didn't do too bad either. That would have been a spectacular sight to see, him in an Angel uniform at Angel stadium.
  11. It's insane to me if nobody signs him, and if somebody else gets him that's just stupid, because the Angels absolutely should have been the first ones in the ring. Which means of course, they'll blow a perfectly good/cheap opportunity to get our starting rotation in a semi-respectable form. Kicking a guy while he's down when he never should have been there in the first place. Super classy.
  12. So how do we make sure we get in on the Four Peaks action? Just say we're good to go in this thread?
  13. Holy crap good pull! I love Dustin and I love Thrice. Been to probably like, at least a dozen of their shows. Saw AITA live at the Wiltern in June. I'm pretty sure I have his first solo album on vinyl, which is...it's fine lol. Can't believe he covered that Brand New song!
  14. hot dogs and scrambled eggs for breakfast hot dog on a bun with the fixins for lunch hot dog wrapped in a tortilla with chili and cheese for dinner
  15. I guess it's out of your realm of possibility to consider that people sometimes buy things just for fun, regardless of their practicality? Dunno about anybody else, but 0-60mph in less than 3 seconds sounds like quite a bit of fun to me. Maybe consider therapy to tune up that 'tude.
  16. I would before Taylor, he hates rich people and thinks they're the devil.
  17. The Angels should absolutely get Chapman, which means they won't.
  18. Pretty sure that's an anchor, dumbass.
  19. Don't understand the hype about Snell either AO. Hard pass on him IMO.
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