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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. I thought I saw a mention of Bauer and Snell in the same post a couple pages back?
  2. I'm all for Adell getting everyday at bats in any uniform other than ours.
  3. Totally agree. That way they keep the A'th logo on the cap and people could still call them the A'th. At the exit of the all you can eat buffet in left field there should be a rope connected to an elephant horn sound drop, like the bell you ring at Arby's when you walk out, and it goes off throughout the stadium letting everyone know you were satisfied with your meal.
  4. Let me first say I want Adell to be good, you can see the athleticism, he just can't seem to harness it. Adell playing well would be an amazing gift for this team. But, if this is what Adell looks like "fighting for a job" I sure don't need to see anymore of what he looks like when "he has the job." Didn't we go through this "give him the position" a couple years ago to start the season? Dude is downright clueless in the field, and he's a headcase in the batters box. Same. It's like he doesn't trust his stuff, tries to pitch around batters which results in walks, driving up his pitch count, then gives up crappy droopy basehits that fall in for runs. He just needs to attack the plate, trust his stuff, let the batters get themselves out, and accept when they inevitably take advantage of his mistakes, which will happen much less often than I think he believes.
  5. Oh for craps sakes Minasian get your head out of your ass. Do you guys want the team to win some actual effing ballgames this year? You're all aware we've had a sub-.500 record for almost a decade straight, right? This is the price Arte should pay for wussing out on Ohtani and forcing us to hear nothing but shit about it from doyer fans. The league hates us already, sign him and give him 6 months, if he's a dud on the field or worse in the clubhouse than that other bum on the team (which can't be possible because Bauer actually wants to play), then dump him. Light a fire under this teams ass. Give them some passion for league minimum on the mound. It's a win win scenario.
  6. What if they keep the A on the cap, so people can still call them the A's, but instead of the Athletics they change the name to the Las Vegas Aces? Can't believe nobody has thought of that. Oh and also, they should keep the elephant mascot/logo out of respect for the all-you-can-eat buffets littered throughout the city.
  7. So should we look at the Adell ones that do?
  8. Can't imagine anyone but Strad having a problem with that.
  9. We should ban all Rendon topics until he's hitting .270 with 10 homers.
  10. They're garbage. You can't even read the 3rd baseman coaches name if you're sitting behind the dugout. Not only that, the pants are now virtually see through. I thought it might just be a Spring Training thing but apparently they're there to stay. That's what they get for dumping Majestic and taking the Nike contract. Nike products suck on so many levels.
  11. Pitcher loads bases, strikes out next 2 batters. Manager yanks him. New pitcher immediately walks the next 2 batters and they score 2 runs. Typical Angels baseball.
  12. Ron sounds good, confident, solid as a manager, not going to lie.
  13. TONIGGG-IIIIIIIIII-EEEIIIIIGHT WE ARE YOUUUUUNG AND WE SET THE WORLD ONF FY-YAAAAAHHHHH i don't even know who it is, but holy crap I hate this song Also any Guns N Rose's, probably the most overrated band ever, their music is intolerable.
  14. Could we put that idea on pause until after the AW Spring Training events?
  15. Well this has certainly been an enthralling development. Definitely learned something new that we did not already know. Thanks for clearing it all up, #Tony2Blessed
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