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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. YES! Neto clutch base hit, love to see it! 3-0 Angels. And now the big turd to kill the rally.
  2. Well...hard to complain about that contact, nice at bat Adell. Just keep doing that and they'll start falling.
  3. 14 pitch bottom of the 1st for Detmers. Not a bad start, let's go boys, get some more runs!
  4. NY @ HOU on Fox just had bowtie boy do an update during the broadcast, and, as usual, they ignore everything Halos unless they have the opportunity to shit on them. Announced that Washington called a team meeting after today's second wholloping in a row.
  5. 100% it will be before. Is there a bet like that I can throw a couple hundred at on DraftKings?
  6. I would like to officially blame this loss on Washington's starting lineup.
  7. I've recently enjoyed mixing some Sriracha into my tuna salad. Really gives it some kick.
  8. Jesus effing christ, once again fundamentals kick this team while it's down. Just embarrassing to watch.
  9. Ron Washington starting to have that look on his face like "what the hell did I get myself into?"
  10. Trust me I know what you mean about delaying the game, but the most important thing to me is THEY GET THE CALL RIGHT. I am SO over umpires impacting the outcome of the game.
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