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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. What a great idea. 2 staffers per slide. One guiding people on to the slide, one at the bottom giving the "clear" signal. Ingenious people mover.
  2. It's pretty remarkable that a player like Wells who's a .270 lifer was put on this team with virtually no pressure to perform well,, and yet, he still managed to undermine even the poorest expectations of the organization. Truly terrible. Should take a self administered pay cut for being one of the biggest boobs the game has ever seen.
  3. Having an issue with this on the Galaxy S3. All its doing is "quoting" the post that happens to be under the time. I don't doubt I'm doing this wrong.
  4. I would say taking on the contract was dumber than making the contract.
  5. Quite the opposite of Angel fans who tend to cheer Ex-Angels when they come to the plate at the big A.
  6. Obligatory previous Angel performance. I can't believe Wood is still even getting a chance to swing a bat at this level.
  7. Even before the re-do, this site worked pretty well on mobile devices. I haven't used the new mobile site yet, but I'd imagine the upgrade is more than substantial.
  8. I think for hilarity purposes (and knowing the personalities around here) the generations should be infinite.
  9. Ah yes. Much better. It wasn't working earlier. Now the only thing, I quoted your post, and it doesn't show my previous text in the quote, just yours (you know, like my text inside yours). Is this a new thing or is it my user error?
  10. Only issue I'm having is quoting posts. If you edit a quoted post, it deletes the whole quote and number tag.
  11. What a beautiful stadium! One of the best in the bigs!
  12. I am definitely going to be yelling BOMB SAUCE when I'm at the stadium and Josh hits a dinger
  13. Unfortunately, I see Iannetta getting hurt sometime this season so Conger will get a shot. Was always pulling for the guy, and he needs to make the most of his playing time.
  14. *sticks finger in 'taters* Hm. Tastes Joshy.
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