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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  2. Over the last 15 years the only time I ever recall hearing this bands name being brought up is when Weiland is going to rehab, leaving rehab, joining the band, breaking it up, or a combination of any of these four. Just a bunch of low lifes that aren't making music and can't give it up.
  3. I am not cheap, but I do mind being a fatass. And really? The cheese is the best part? The same cheese that you can buy at any store throughout the country is the best part of the fries? I really think that says it all. That would explain a lot. Native So Cal Asians rave about In N Out. In fact, if you're ever visiting Southern California and want to hear an Asian not stop talking, just go up to a group of them and ask what they think about In N Out. If they slow for a second just say "animal style." Don't forget to bring a big bag of popcorn. I don't anymore. In fact I can't remember the last time I went. Don't really miss it, either.
  4. Don't need them. Just a bunch of empty calories and filler that adds $2 to your order. Trust me. Tip your fries over into your tray, and put the packet of spread in that fry holder like you would ketchup. Dip away. It's great. Also: ever tried the burger without the meat patty? Practically identical in taste, you wouldn't even know the patty is gone. That's why I don't understand the In N Out fanatics. People glam about some secret menu, customizing this and that, but practically everything at that goddamn place tastes the same no matter what you do to your food! Just one big In N Out taste every time.
  5. Can you imagine how different the world would be if men could just decide at age 18 "Hey, I could use some extra money!" and just start getting paid big bucks to get naked and have sex with random women in front of a camera?
  6. Don't care what you've done or how long, there are lots of factors that go into safely eating ground beef at medium, and IMO your advice is still irresponsible and inaccurate. Getting sick with contaminated beef is no joking matter, and a ten year streak by one dude is something I wouldn't risk trusting with my health.
  7. No, it isn't. Grab 1 packet of spread for free, use it in place of ketchup, and it tastes exactly the same. I think the point, Nate, is that most people make burgers from ground meat they buy from the store, and it is perhaps not the best advice to suggest people eat their ground beef red at medium due to the contaminants and bacteria that doesn't burn away when made at those temperatures. Yes. It's obvious that you are a fancy pants with your meat. Us carnivores all love a nice, juicy "not burnt to sh**" burger every so often. Taking a filet or porterhouse, and cooking the crap out of it would not be the best way of cooking it. But making it the regular norm is not sound advice. Also let's set the record straight that In N Out does NOT serve their burgers "medium" pink like you are suggesting, and that is certain. Even if you're buying a steak or filet and having it ground at the butcher, that doesn't mean it hasn't been contaminated, and that doesn't mean you don't run the risk of getting sick from not cooking it thoroughly. I would also not suggest putting my health at risk due to the hands of some butcher who can very easily, mistakenly and improperly, handle the meat.
  8. We'll probably just have to wait until someone dies on the field from blunt brain trauma. Reactive par for the boneheaded sports course, really.
  9. So basically his weight has been a non story since the beginning. Good work, gumshoes.
  10. You're doing God's work, DR. You do seem to have a knack for finding the gold. Hopefully we can all contribute quality Mota-isms of our own.
  11. Nate obviously skipped over the name of the thread and just felt like posting about In N Out.
  12. The part where catchers are getting concussions or the part where administering said concussions are the highlights of those players' careers?
  13. Go home foam trouts you are drunk. You are not a tasty fish.
  14. That's some groundbreaking analysis there, Lou. Of course the defense is allowed to block the base, the issue is that most runners aren't even going for the base, they're just mowing down vulnerable catchers at full speed by putting their shoulders into their heads. Not the most admirable moments of those players' careers, that's for sure.
  15. How does this guy still get put in front of a microphone?
  16. You can't ban it, but that doesn't make it any easier to watch. You've got a 200 pound person running at full speed towards a person who's standing still and vulnerable to being blindsided. People can keep saying it's part of the game, but it just doesn't seem right.
  17. Love the new forum, and I advise anyone who has yet used Chrome to make the switch. 2 things: 1) Just a suggestion, maybe if it becomes a problem, limit the size of signatures. I've already seen some with pretty decent size pictures and it tends to clutter up the forums if it starts to get out of hand. I don't know how anyone else feels about it, maybe its just me. 2) For some reason my quoting gives me 2 of the quotes and I have to delete one. Wonder if its just me.
  18. It's because when they get there they realize what a tremendous mistake they've made deciding to play 1/2 their games in a stadium that smells like urine and bums.
  19. So THAT'S what Arte's paying him for! It all makes sense now.
  20. a. He is going to take the most money because he knows he's being overvalued and is pulling a Wellsy. He will never win a ring with the Dodgers but obviously doesn't care. That said, a guy motivated by victory, not cash, is my kind of player. I'm glad we didn't keep him. b. You could never pay me enough to play in the latrine that is Dodger Stadium.
  21. AHHHHHHHHHH Fitty so fly she only turned her cheek cause she was Live. I love how he's all fuggit I'm following you haha Also: You're all racists.
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