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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Jealous of the people that were actually at the stadium. Being 17 at the time, there was no way I could afford tickets to the games. Tried to get my pops to do it so we could both go, but he can be a little stubborn when prices start multiplying. One of those things I'll always look back on and never understand. I'm the type of person where the money doesn't matter, the experience is more important than anything. Instead I was at a buddies house a couple miles from the stadium. We could hear the thundersticks from the stadium echoing to his house. It really was one of those amazing nights. Crazy crazy moment I'll never forget. It's so rare for the teams I love to go all the way and it finally happened!
  2. Kendrick doesn't belong in the 2 hole. Anyone else miss Morales?
  3. We had so many boneheaded outs on the base paths last year. Guys just simply running into outs or not using their heads during contact . It ruins momentum and is no wonder they didn't make the playoffs. At this level you just can't waste outs like that and expect to be competitive. Gotta say I have not been happy with Scioscia's over aggressiveness the past couple seasons, and I don't agree with Mota's comments on this subject either.
  4. That's because you're a bandwagon fan. Loved Frandsen but nobody around here ever seemed to. Thought he was a much better option at 3rd than Callaspo, that's for sure.
  5. Exactly. So you're making a big stink for no reason. Nothing new to see here folks, move along...
  6. Lifetime we're looking in your direction! In the meantime, can we get a mod to change wallerr's avatar? I'm sick of looking at man chode.
  7. You don't know how Trout or his family thinks about it, you don't know what other things the team is doing for Trout to appease him, and you have no ground to base any of your accusations on other than you think he deserves $1 Mill because he was rookie of the year (an award that, if based on "precedence," has literally NOTHING to do with how that player will perform for the rest of their career). Your argument is all speculation and it's all stupid. This thread will be a hilarious Friday bump in 2 years when Trout is still on our team and he just signed a 10 year contract with our team. And if he doesn't, it won't be because he didn't get that huge 2nd year bonus 2 years earlier.
  8. Oppo Taco and Jimmy Jack, probably the worst commentating terms I have ever heard.
  9. Last year with Pujols struggling to get balls out of the park, there were a lot of marine layer non-believers around these parts. Wonder if actual acknowledgment from Weaver will change any of that.
  10. Eh, the other stuff I bought was clearance too.
  11. Of course because it's Target I couldn't just buy a $6 shirt I had to find more crap and spend $40.
  12. You can't be serious. The catchers mask is meant to deflect baseballs, not protect the skull from collisions with 200 pound humans charging at them full force. I will eventually figure out how to embed GIFs in the new forum but for now, scroll about 1/2 way down the page and see how much the mask helped Castro in his infamous collision. http://www.chadmoriyama.com/2012/04/mlb-should-ban-home-plate-collisions-and-takeout-slides/
  13. I understand this is more in jest to Angel fans, but lawdy, lets hope Angels hitting coach Eppard is not already screwing with Hamiltons approach at the plate (one that doesn't need to be tweaked IMO): "According to the Los Angeles Times, one of Hamilton's main focuses this spring is to be more selective at the plate. "It hasn't been too successful," Hamilton said of his new plan. "I took that for him [hitting coach Jim Eppard]. It was actually a pretty good pitch to hit." Yay. Let's keep ruining our top tier batters by telling them to watch strikes and swing at balls in the spirit of being "more selective." For Christs sake, being selective does not mean watching matzo balls float right over the heart of the plate!
  14. Tried this last night for the first time and was pleasantly surprised. Very nice color, not overwhelming with sweet, easy to drink with very little stanky aftertaste. $5 for 1pint & 6 fl oz. at the local liquor store. I'm quite a picky beer drinker, but I would recommend this beer!
  16. I think your unquestionable talent in legible punctuation and grammar does that on its own.
  17. Of course Thrice is on that list because they're awesome. One of the greatest f***ing rock bands of all f***ing time. Now I don't want to spoil it for all of you, but Nate, RallyMo, and Ray juuuust might have something negative to say about that.
  18. Personally I prefer the triple posts...
  19. Who says you need to make her your girlfriend? Just have her around to keep you "on an even keel" if you know what I mean.
  20. Pro Cooking Tip from Nate: Make sure its undercooked and bloody as hell. The laws of bacteria need not apply. Then add american cheese.
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