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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. An order of nachos with plenty of jalepeños.
  2. This is great news! Wells will hit 30+ HR's at that bandbox known as Yank Stadium.
  3. I love that Washington still refers to us as the Anaheim Angels. One thing we see eye to eye on.
  4. Then complain about it in 5 years when he's a $25M bench player instead of making us all suffer through the whining and moaning about Pujols health decline in year 9, while he's still fine to go out there and play.
  5. Since the Angels were the team who decided to inherit the contract, the same question still applies to this organization.
  6. I have now come of the opinion that the Angels Organization needs to do whatever it takes to keep Jose Mota working for the Angels in front of a camera or microphone, strictly for comedic purposes. You can't write this stuff.
  7. Weavers just getting the garbage out of his system while the games don't count.
  8. Glad to hear he's playing well. I want to see him out there regularly once the season starts.
  9. I like the idea of Bourjos batting 2nd. Aybar is a bonehead and Callaspo doesn't belong above the 7 slot.
  10. I always wondered what it would be like to completely ignore a crowd of 100+ people shouting my name and begging for autographs like they weren't even there. If there was a fire at the player entrance to the stadium and someone was repeatedly yelling "Don't go in there you're gonna die!" would these guys just drown it out into the crowd, not hear it, and just keep walking right into the flames?
  11. 1/3 of an inning, 4 hits, 2 er for an ERA of 54.00 but Skip says he's "on track." Impressive to see Scioscia's insane post-game remarks already in mid-season form.
  12. I have the gif, but it doesn't show the closeup of Mathis' face. The video clip on MLB.Com does, and Mathis' face does this: While Scioscia does one of these:
  13. My point was I don't need a buffet or sushi at a ballgame.
  14. Buffet? Sushi in the diamond club seats at Angel Stadium? Pass! I would sit my butt in that seat and soak in the environment as much as possible. If a server came by I'd order "2 big beers and the finest grilled wiener you sell. Slather it in spicy brown mustard and relish, if you please!"
  15. It's hilarious to me that a first year player who practically snagged MVP from an inferior defender who was a popularly acclaimed and seasoned veteran, misses a chance at a clip in a baseball video game because of...an inferior player and baseball politics?!? It's this kind of crap, MLB... I know quite little about the theory of consoles and other games, but I would say from past experience playing this on the PS3 gives you optimal performance above and beyond anything else available in the video game market.
  16. I love how the Dodgers tend get screwed on these kind of big signing deals.
  17. I just hope he gives himself enough time to get better so this doesn't become a recurring issue during the tenure of his contract.
  18. Nobody on a baseball forum cares about basketball. Buncha whiny "adults" who play on a court the length of a basepath and fake falls like little girls. Get that crap outta here.
  19. Gotta love Spiez rockin' the Anaheim roadies. Best Angel uniform ever.
  20. But for some reason he didn't seem to care about throwing the 4 years Mathis was behind the plate.
  21. But was Hamilton on the Angels?
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