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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. There seem to be 2 conflicting numbers representing Aybars bunting success last year. I don't know who's right, Dochalo says 16-40, which is a .400 success rate. I can't seem to find the splits on ESPN, so I don't know for sure. Anyway, I was not arguing the success rate of Aybars' bunt attempts, I was simply stating this his successful bunts tended to happen at a time where they had little to no impact on the outcome of the game. Kinda like Vernon Wells hitting a home run in the 9th inning of a game when we're down by 4 runs. Wellsy-esque (adj.) : Hitting a home run in the 8th or 9th inning when the team is winning, or losing, by 4+ runs. Yeah, you get the mark on your stats, and 25 for Wells in 2011 looks nice, but how much did it really help the team? So maybe I'm wrong, I'm just recalling what I've seen the past couple years from Aybar, and I do pay attention to a lot of Angel games during the season. And you know what? I'm definitely pulling for Aybar to reek some havoc in the box and on those basepaths this year. He pushes the envelope when it comes to aggressiveness, and it's nice to see the passion. But like I said, I would like him to take those risks with a smarter approach. Successful teams DO NOT waste outs. And with the bats we have, there's no reason to.
  2. Haven't really been checking out our ST pitching, but this thread is starting to worry me. I know the past couple seasons it's seemed like our bullpen has been terrible. We'd have 6+ quality innings from our starter, and they'd come in and give the lead in no time. WIth the lack of 'come from behind' wins after the 7th inning the last couple years, it's something that needs to be fixed.
  3. Victor is alright, although yawn worthy at times. Gubicza sucks. Rex is awesome and should have never left. Not a particular fan of Physioc.
  4. lol @ Vernon and pop ups. The Stanks have no clue what they got themselves into.
  5. I believe the GD Prediction Thread rules were changed in 2012 because of how easy it was to predict a "Wells: 0-4 with a strikeout" day.
  6. I feel like the problem is teams know when Aybar is going to bunt and it takes away its effectiveness. I would also say he lacks the ability to bunt in clutch situations when the team really needs it. Yeah that playoff blunder was quite the scene, and maybe i'm wrong, but I tend to remember his successful bunting being Wellsy-esque. I used to be a bigger fan of Aybar before he started making so many boneheaded mistakes. Now I just wonder how the hell he's gonna find a way to screw things up. However, and most importantly, I hope to see some growth and improvement this season from Aybar playing smarter ball.
  7. You are aware that this is pretty much 99.9% of what the internet is all about. Anonymous people with smart mouths who get off being pious douchebags to strangers they wouldn't even think twice about messing with in-person.
  8. I love how with the money he's getting paid regardless of performance, Vernon will forever have the attitude that he's too blessed to be stressed. The guy hops from one team that doesn't want him to another, to another team that doesn't want him, without even breaking that grin. He's gotta be chuckling to himself during the flight, thinking how he's put a wrench in leagues salary system, with the way all these MLB teams keep scrambling to figure out how the hell they're going to pay him millions of dollars he'll never earn.
  9. As long as the guy ain't buttoning up an Angels uniform, I'll take it!
  10. Curtis Granderson, Mark Teixeira, Alex Rodriguez and Derek Jeter on the disabled list to start the season. Must suck to be a Stankee fan.
  11. Reading the comments on this Yahoo article, doesn't sound like Yankee fans are too happy with this transaction. Today just keeps getting better and better! http://sports.yahoo.com/news/mlb---sources--yankees-to-trade-for-of-vernon-wells-195210251.html
  12. Give that sarcasm meter a nice knock or two, seems like it might not be working properly.
  13. No. Which would make you the racist for thinking that way. Racist.
  14. And it feels like a new era of Angels Baseball is about to begin! Best of luck to you, Vernon "maybe it's just society" Wells.
  15. You are correct. He is probably the best bench player the Angels have ever had. As far as playing, he looked lost out there every time the ball came near him.
  16. Nobody said he wasn't. Maybe you can follow the Yanks this year if you're such a big fan?
  17. He hit .222 over the past 2 seasons with us. Those numbers are Mathis-esque. Also:
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