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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Wilson has thrown 17 pitches, 14 of them have been strikes. Awesome so far.
  2. Just means that Mota-ism thread is gonna be bumped today by Downing Rules!
  3. Eh, I guess Hamilton gets to start the inning so that's nice...
  4. I don't care how the ball comes at me in the stands, line-drive or HR ball, I'm going to try to catch it. By not being a wuss and running away, I get a ball while conveniently protecting everyone around me.
  5. AWESOME to see a CONSISTENT lineup from the last game! I know this is only the second game but I hope this is a pattern as the season goes on! If it is I think we will all be pleasantly surprised.
  6. haha what is that Seth Rogan gif from? Looks like a talk show of some sorts, and it's a good one!
  7. This is all such stupid MLB overprotective garbage. It's 2000 freakin' 13, why the hell can't you just subscribe to a team for $100 and watch ALL their ballgames through your TV?
  8. Atleast now he can go back to doing what he loves best, tokin' away while getting paid...
  9. So what does it mean when we sign a big name player to a huge contract and prices for parking, beer, and tickets go up? Yah, thanks. If they don't get it the first time around, really no point wasting your time on round 2...
  10. Yeah when he took a half-swing to ground out at one point in the game, it seemed like something was up. I don't think I saw him half-anything at all last season. It's the first game, it's his first opening day, once everyone gets settled in, we'll be just fine.
  11. Not executing fundamental baseball. You won't win games that way. See you guys tomorrow.
  12. All we need is a fly ball. I wouldn't pitch to Trout if I were them. I'd walk him and let Aybar ground in to a double play.
  13. Angels so excited to start the season they don't want the game to end.
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