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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Not a fan of the move by Skip right there. Why yank a guy that basically sat down the side 1-2-3 in the 8th (minus the error by Aybar)? Instead you bring in an arm and you don't know how they're going to perform.
  2. Trust me. Around here we've noticed it, and your not alone in your frustration.
  3. I totally agree. Scioscia's substitutions at times leaving me scratching my head. I mean without Aybars error the guy had a 1-2-3 inning!
  4. Lead off single and our 3-4-5 hitters can't come up with a hit. Ridiculous.
  5. Was the same way last year. Surprised they don't shift on him yet.
  6. Albert saved from another double play lynching by a lapse in defense. Sheesh. Alright Hamilton, this is what we're paying you for!
  7. Cincinnati is a baseball town with a length-ed baseball history. Home field advantage? Wouldn't put it past 'em.
  8. Mota: "Has Scioscia asked about the locals yet?" Terry: Silence for 5 seconds... Terry (confused as hell): "Asked about the locals yet?"
  9. Down by a run? Let's give them a leadoff walk. *smacks forehead*
  10. That failed bunt by CJ that didn't let Iannetta advance to 2nd, costing us a run on Trouts ground rule 2B is starting to look huge.
  11. Can't argue with yah on that one. Ever watch Bill Burr on feminists? They cherry pick. They wanna be equal for all the good stuff. But as soon as somethings icky or scary, they're out!
  12. Oh look at that, a ball hit to the left side by Pujols.
  13. How the hell is Pujols whiffing at those??
  14. HOWIE FOR THE 2 SLOT IN 2013! or maybe Callaspo??
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