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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Yup. Knew it as soon as he hit'em. Pujols looked great in the box today. It maybe took a season and a couple games, but I think he's finally getting comfortable.
  2. These commentators are blatantly against the Angels for no good reason other than they're east coast homers. Screw every single one of them.
  3. LOL they got the Angels off the screen as soon as humanly possible.
  4. That'a baby Ernesto. Way to pull a Wellsy Cruz.
  5. Mop up role, I vote Downs. He could use the practice.
  6. Jepsen looks MUCH improved from the last time I saw him pitch. Nice work Jeppy.
  7. calscuf is so right-- what is it about Ranger fans? Why are they registering on this site making one post low-blows, and talking to us about their ex-players like we care? So funny, it always starts with "I'm not a troll, but let me tell you..." Are there Angel fans that hopped on Texas forums when Napoli was sent over there? No. It's because we're concerned with ourselves and that is all. We don't give a crap what fans from other teams think or say, and we sure as hell don't infiltrate their forums. Just because this is a popular site representing a big name team doesn't mean anyone here cares what you have to say about your ex-players that we took from you. They're gone. Get over it. We've heard it all before. Nobody here cares about what you have to say. Go to your Texas Rangers site and discuss your Hamilton/CJ butthurt as much as you want. Because that's where it belongs. We'll watch them and decide on our own.
  8. Probably has something to do with Pujols NOT batting in front of him during that tenure.
  9. Dude STFU how often are you going to talk about what Hamilton said. Get freaking over it. It only stings if you're a wuss!
  10. Think I'll pass on the pessimism...
  11. That a baby Trout. Man this guy wants to get on base. He can't stop swinging!
  12. Haha, great call by Skip. 3 lefties in a row, bring in southpaw Burnett. Love it.
  13. I'd say the first homestand he'll hit it.
  14. Anyone having a problem with Gameday on the MLB site? Can't seem to get it to load today.
  15. I find it pretty pathetic when people feel like they accomplished something by eating a disgusting amount of food.
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