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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. It's just bad baseball. I'm not even thinking of going to a game until they're a .500 team. Not wasting my time or money.
  2. Josh needs to freaking hit no matter where the hell he is in the lineup. Moving him to the 2nd slot isn't going to make his half ass swings any more effective.
  3. Classic Angels: watching strikes, swinging at balls. Can't get a runner in scoring position to score with no outs. My girlfriend says they look like the bad news bears LOL
  4. lol really? Like we'd run out of stuff to argue and discuss at length if the umpires calls could be corrected by replays... Unless I'm missing something, I don't think anyone suggested otherwise. To reitorate, I was merely providing an example of how a system like this could easily be integrated in the game, and how it would actually move the game into the 21st century, while also bringing fans closer to the action. I may be the minority, and perhaps the hyperbole is going over my head, but it seems to me typical fan who watches the game could really care less about the "human aspect" of officiating, especially when it comes to blown calls. This kind of stuff can change the outcome of a game, and an entire season. To me what's most important is that they make the right call.
  5. What the players union and the commissioner have to do to get it done is irrelevant, I'm just saying physically installing it isn't that hard. Imagine something like the video below going on at the baseball stadium on a close call, which is not perfect mind you, but it's a good framework to start from. Keep in mind it's not always going to be so close a call so not every pitch is going to be a 5-10 second delay, but when it is close, the big screen can review where the pitch was and why it was called that way. Awesome! So to me something like this would definitely move the game forward in terms of fan entertainment, because they actually get an inside look at what really happened on the play. In turn it brings the fans closer to the game than ever while they're in attendance at the stadium.
  6. You don't need a big dramatic camera set up out in center field in direct sight of the batters to have computers call balls and strikes. You can have sensors on the edges of the plate looking up, and sensors on both sides of the field near the dugouts pointing towards the plate like the TV cameras do. The belt of the player is the calibration for each batter, and the strike zone is universal. That takes care of both the lateral and vertical aspects of the 3-D strike zone, for both right and left handed batters.
  7. It's because there's no Wellsy or Izzy. Fine with me. GO HALOS
  8. Weaver making sure to destroy any chance of competing for the Cy Young early this year.
  9. Same could be said for the umpires when they make calls like this.
  10. Also, not sure if its been mentioned, but I believe you can buy Angel tickets on StubHub up to ONE HOUR before game time. This is a great advantage for me, as there have been several instances over the past couple seasons where I didn't think I'd be able to make it to the game until the last minute, and I was still able to buy pretty cheap tickets, print them, and have them in hand in 5 minutes.
  11. Wells is still being Wellsy. Back on a team with no expectations? Time to start performing.
  12. I wonder, how many Angel fans do you think logged on to RedSoxWin.Com solely to litter their boards with opinions they didn't care about?
  13. I thought I read somewhere after Jim Joyce blew the Armando Galarraga perfect game that umps were no longer allowed to talk to media after a game. Might be wrong. MLB loves protecting their crappy officiating instead of realizing in 2013, it's really a burden to the game. Nope. Yup. You'd also have to be blind to ignore the fact that baseball history is littered with Angel teams who have gotten the royal screw job from umpires on so many blatantly wrong calls and bias justifications that have affected the outcome of so many games and seasons. It's why I love them: they don't get a break. They earn their victories.
  14. Motion to delete every single "anti-ex-Ranger-player" post that ends up on this site, dirtying up our threads. These douchebags don't belong here, getting their thoughts read, talking crap on our guys. We've heard every single stupid "hate excuse" before. It's a broken record. They need to know they don't belong here.
  15. CJ's right though. Never listen to the media, they don't know anything. Stay within yourself, and perform to the best of your abilities. Screw every single reporter who thinks they know more than the guy buttoning up the uniform. Are they ever held accountable for their wrong predictions and ludicrous accusations? Nope.
  16. Without a doubt the UGLIEST sculpture to ever cost $2.5 million. Does the Marlins owner get paid if fans don't show up?
  17. lol why would you, as an ump, end the game on a call like that? Terrible. This is why I'm an advocate of computer generated ball/strike calls. Umpires crappy officiating should not have an impact on the outcome of the game.
  18. Not to mention slashing his tires. That was a little over the top.
  19. And yet you've found away to gripe about their griping that hasn't even happened. Congrats. BTW I love the consistent lineups! However, considering the past 2 games, I think Skip shoulda slipped Hamilton in the #3 slot today, just to keep "yayo" from calling IBB every time Pujols comes up to the plate.
  20. He was just being nice because he was in front of his daughter. If he was alone he would have told you to take your golf clubs and "shove 'em where the sun don't shine."
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