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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. I'm not sure how Hamilton swinging at some of those pitches is appropriate at any time. Thinking he would bat during a high tension playoff game scares me.
  2. Haha. If anything it's proof that some people on this bored have pretty much no clue what they're talking about. They just like to slap their jaw, make impulse decisions, and hate on members of our very own baseball team.
  3. lol of course he goes 3-4 today with 0 K's and 3 rbi's, and is the first person you see at AngelsBaseball.com Give the guy a break. He's gonna K cause he's got some pop. And he made a beautiful bunt today. How can you hate that? Let him get a chance to be a spark plug at the top of the line up. Seems like he benefits from having Trout behind him. TBH I'd rather have him up there than Aybar or Callaspo. He's getting the opportunity to hit up there while those guys are hurt. Give him a chance to show what he can do. He deserves a solid month or two in the 1 spot before people start jumping the gun and saying he doesn't belong there. He loves to play and is fun to watch! Also, I LOVED that 1st to 3rd attempt by Bourjos even though he got thrown out. That had to be a perfect throw to get him and it was. I hope it doesn't detour him from pushing the envelope in the future.
  4. What depresses me is Scioscia doesn't have the Cajónes to turn this team around.
  5. lol this team gives up hits like its going out of style
  6. We all know the answer to that.
  7. Angels offense again mailing it in when losing after the 7th...
  8. I just don't see how getting a new pitching coach is going to help. These guys are adults and need to know what they're doing. If the guys he gets can't pitch, they can't pitch. No amount of coach changing is going to change that.
  9. I guess I don't see how this is actually gonna help anything...
  10. Seriously. No reason the tying run getting on to start the inning should still be on first to end the inning. Especially if its Trout. Really very bad and awful.
  11. All examples of terrible fundamental baseball. Trout with a leadoff walk can't even get to second. Who the f*** is in charge on this team?
  12. And why Hamilton is fouling off pitches right over the heart of the plate is beyond me.
  13. Yeah I don't get that at all. That was a gift walk, and Pujols shouldn't have swung till he saw a strike. The fundamentals of this team are just so terrible.
  14. I'm guessing that was Weaver. Even if it was/wasn't, that is one depressing and terrible stat. The SP has to be able to get to the 7th inning.
  15. Wow. Way to back up your team that keeps bailing you out dude. Get this joker outta there.
  16. Yup. Don't care the reasons, I always thought Trout should be in the #1 slot
  17. A great way to increase team chemistry is to perform when the team needs it most.
  18. The offense gets runs, pitching gives it right back. The pitching keeps them from scoring, the offense is nowhere to be found. It's been like this going on 3+ years now.
  19. They should spend less time practicing salutes and more time figuring out how to hit with RISP.
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