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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Love Scioscia's logic. Move Hamilton down to #5 and he gets 4 hits. "Welp, he's hit good in that 5 spot, let's move him back to 4th!" WTF?
  2. I have never seen a show at the Gibson, never a show going on there that I wanna see. I have never seen Harry Potter. But the new Harry Potter land they're putting in place of the Gibson is supposed to be pretty impressive.
  3. Soooo no more female correction officers?
  4. Nah its fine the point is it gets in their heads when hardly anybody's faced him before. We might regret it tomorrow after the 1st couple innings (just hope he doesn't walk anybody), but I like this move by Skip.
  5. My dad has a Willits uniform haha
  6. It's one of those shows that you really have to pay attention to if you want to get all the jokes. I thought this show was hilarious. Sad to see it go but I haven't watched this on TV in years.
  7. I'm out of eggs now, but if I do drop eggs on any of you I try to leave a JZ so people know its me (those are my initials). Yup. They were taking up valuable real estate that I could fill with better paying houses. I kept one to have at least one of everything, and also there's a couple missions which require a brown house and I didn't want to miss out on those.
  8. If I was one of these women one of my actions would be to vocalize to the public and media these officers names and departments as loudly and frequently as possible, while at the same time raising hell and demanding justice is not served until both of those clowns are fired. Law Enforcements refusal for officer accountability has forced me to lose respect for almost all of them.
  9. Hey guys/gals. I've started from scratch and never bought donuts to get stuff. I play this game too much, so I'll give ya'll some tips. To start, I have gotten all my money by filling up my land to the brim, by buying as many brown houses as possible. After making that profit every couple minutes, I'd buy more land, and install more houses. It gets big and full. Then once my savings accumulated enough legitimate money to buy more expensive houses, I moved on to purple houses ($75 every 3 hours is pretty good) From there I built up to blue houses ($150 every 8 hours pretty decent), then white, and now I'm moving on to orange houses (which make $250 every 16 hours). My town is now pretty large, I have all the available items (excluding the $1,000,000+ ones), many of the characters, I leveled up quick, and with the houses I have only check my game every 12 hours. IMO this is the quickest way to level up and make the most money. I now make about $150,000 every 24 hours. It's an old inside joke not really worth explaining, but most importantly, it makes people laugh and remember!
  10. Definitely Haren. I kinda understood why they let him go, but I thought he was a decent pitcher who would have a good season this year.
  11. Would love to be added to the list, and I will add all of you! dentedcougar is my username
  12. Dicknose starts off by saying Angel Stadium is one of his least favorite place to watch a ballgame, screw him.
  13. Not before falling behind in the count, that's for sure.
  14. What shoulda happened was a couple weeks ago when we were in Texas for the Saturday day game, there was a play at the plate where Kendrick slid and was called out. What Kendrick should have done was blindsided his ass with a little bit of shoulder music to the chin. That's pretty much the only way I think I'd ever consider removing douchebag from his name.
  15. And by that standard you have to put Trout into consideration as well. It's gotta be something from coaching/management saying not to waste outs on the basepaths, and let the big guns drive them in.
  16. I was referring mostly to the majority of OP's posts in this thread. I have no clue if he needs to work on it, much like Trout, we haven't seen him steal at all this season. As far as I'm concerned this HAS to do something with Skip telling them to hold up at first.
  17. His douche face. Haven't you seen his douche face? I mean, that explains it all.
  18. lol the dude leads off the 9th with the only hit in the inning and some of you act like it would have made a difference with him standing on second when NONE of the next 3 hitters did anything to show they were remotely ready to approach the at-bat in a way to drive the run in. Premium example of yet another Bourjos hate thread. If he doesn't have the green light, he doesn't have it. Not much he can do about it. Like others have mentioned, even Trouts running has been non-existent.
  19. Why is PIerz always screwing us straight in the ass.
  20. Trumbo has earned his wings. Hamilton needs to get his head out of his ass! Lets beat these turds!
  21. ^Exactly This is a great way to look at it. I've been telling people that us Angel fans call what he's doing right now is "Wellsying." Doing well when it doesn't matter and being nowhere to be found when they'll need him most.
  22. Every commentator that talked during the game today on Fox was a tool.
  23. Howie "gidp" Kendrick So bad. Almost as bad as Hamiltons horrific at bats.
  24. Love how we kill it everytime we're on Fox game of the week.
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