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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. I would say most if not all of Scioscia's decisions on the field the past 3 years have made me scratch my head wondering what the hell he's doing. He pulls relief pitchers after they get 3 quick outs the inning before, then puts guys back out there for the 7th after being on the ropes most of the game, and loading the bases the inning before. He calls running plays when they're not necessary, then doesn't have Trumbo running home on a bunt play. Absolutely asinine.
  2. Got 150 and ready to trade. Hit me up with a PM if you're down! From what I read it seems like the dates vary on when you started the whacking day promotion, and I have also read May 9th. But I might be wrong.
  3. The source of the problem needs to begin at "what the HELL were you swinging at?"
  4. Firing someone isn't going to help this team. They actually have to care.
  5. Now THIS is a good one. Because you all know with our luck almost immediately, Scioscia would go into "brilliant" managing mode and the Rangers would win a ring in a season or two. I also appreciated the inter-gallactic-predict-a-Scioscia-post-game-comment as well.
  6. Eh. Of all the people in this organization, I have to believe the guy writing the checks gives a damn about the performance of his team. Put yourself in Arte's shoes, what can he do? You put a product on the field and hope they perform! This one clearly isn't. For almost 3 seasons now. It's truly mind-boggling.
  7. Isn't this what we call "Vernon Wells" syndrome?
  8. request to change name title thread to "...and all professional sport"
  9. Waiting for the first self ban, most especially from AO.
  10. You can keep turning the pages all you want, it makes no difference when each page says the exact same thing.
  11. It's not like these guys are even hitting the ball hard, they're hitting pussy dribblers to all the infielders.
  12. I'd say a week in. He's generally always had a favorable opinion on Trumbo.
  13. BOURJOS BABY! Hell yeah keep getting on base dude
  14. You know whats funny is my dad said out of all the batters on the team, Trumbo is the one he is least concerned about.
  15. Nice to see not all of the players we let go kick our ass when we play against them.
  16. He keeps turning pages, but to me it seems no matter how many pages he turns, the next ones all say the same thing...
  17. Love almost all of them. Love his style, love the heart, passion, and QT stamp he puts into his movies. Pulp Fiction Basterds Django Jackie Brown Reservoir Dogs Kill Bill Death Proof Dawn Till Dusk That's because you're a lame-o.
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