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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Was at the bank the other day with an Angel hat on, and the teller counting my money told me her husband was talking about getting rid of Scioscia because of how poorly they've been playing. So yeah, I'd say theres a little talk about it going on locally. Not sure if firing Skip is the solution, but these guys sure need a fire lit under their ass. Somebody needs to tell the team that this type of performance and mental lapse will not go unpunished.
  2. Man, it's so nice to see a quality player like Glaus in an Angels uni after all the crap we've been seeing button up the past 3 years. What an awesome player and great group of guys. Gotta love the Anaheim across the chest on the away uniforms!
  3. His performance immediately following the HRD really has nothing to do with it. Think about the consequences long-term, such as how his swing and approach stayed the same (even while he was struggling!) from August until basically a week or two ago. Approaching pitches that way may not effect you immediately, as you can still be partially effective when you have a mind set where you're doing a good job focusing on the ball. What we're referring to is the long term effects of the HRD, where the approach he used all season was no longer working into August and beyond. The HRD swing and approach hampered his ability to adjust to the changes pitchers were making when they threw to him. I would not suggest Trumbo hit in the HRD again.
  4. Sure. And I'd bet with the same certainty that I'd be better at hitting LHP than you too.
  5. It's been this way for years if you've been paying attention.
  6. It really says something when a guy with as much drive and spirit as Trout is dampened down by the lack of passion by the rest of the team.
  7. Terry said most other outfielders wouldn't have gotten to the ball...in this case it might have actually hurt us. I can't believe he helped the ball go over. This team is bringing even our brightest star into the shadows. He hasn't been smiling much, not that there's been much to smile about, that's for sure. Not really sure whats going on. Not seeing a lot of encouraging attitudes in the dugout. Well, Trout was playing center tonight. Maybe Bourjos would have caught it?
  8. I actually feel bad for Dino Ebel, Trumbo smacks his hand pretty hard sometimes going around 3rd base.
  9. "Give him a tennis racket, maybe then he'll hit it!" -Squints
  10. They were the Los Angeles Angels when -get this- they shared a stadium with the Dodgers and actually played in Los Angeles! Once they moved out of LA to their current stadium in Anaheim 1966 they were the California Angels, then the rest from there. The name change has done nothing but caused confusion and created something to laugh about. Most of the general public thinks it makes no sense, and even broadcasters around the league have a hard time getting it right! ...thanks to a World Series title before the name change was even put in place. That name change is sure doing a lot of help now! About as much help as the revenue from a new scoreboard at Wrigley Field will do.
  11. Ghostfacekillahsy Really wished he would have called him Trummy!
  12. Conger threw a bullet a week or two ago to nab a guy at 2nd, so at least we know he has the ability to do it. Just has to refine it. I honestly don't think I've seen enough of Conger to determine if he's going to be able to consistently succeed at the Major League level, but I do love seeing stuff like this where the guys play well and smile out there. Haven't seen a lot of that from Trout this season, that's for sure. I'm definitely rooting for him.
  13. Based on his embarrassing performance so far this year, Hamilton should be required to make 50 fair ball hits a day from a southpaw, mixing in down and out pitches, until he gets comfortable with what its like to hit against one. I'm a lefty batter and learned this from a lefty pitcher by forcing myself to practice against one for batting: If its off-speed and it looks like its gonna be a strike, it's gonna be a ball. If its off-speed and it looks like its gonna hit you in the ear, it's gonna be a strike. If its a fastball and it looks like its gonna hit you in the ear, DUCK!
  14. LOL Scioscia just repeats what happens when his players are embarrassingly bad. When you are losing the LAST thing you need to do is miss out on runs and waste outs. These guys aren't just losing, they're playing bad baseball.
  15. Love how hard the ball comes off his bat. Could teach Pujols and Hamilton a thing about power, that's for sure.
  16. Bourjos getting hurt blows. IMO one of the few bright spots of this season.
  17. Nevermind, someone already hit me up. Next time!
  18. ^It's because he has a dynasty backing him up during games that don't mean anything right now. He is Wellsying it up and everyone on the East Coast is buying it and eating it up. If he gets to the playoffs and has some cameras, attention, and clutch situations on his shoulders were he's under pressure he'll blow it. Make a patented jump into the stands on a ball that's clearly gone... As far as Hamilton, I'm guessing he will go on a tear,and lets hope our guys get hot when he does too. But Pujols hurt kinda dampers it all. That's an Angel thing of course. What needs to happen is over the next 5 years the stars need to eventually line up. We are 2 years into a 10 year contract, and 1 year into a 5 year contract. We have time to develop, grow and learn. Dipoto is not going to get fired and neither is Scioscia. This is a long term investment, this stuff doesn't sprout overnight. These guys are good, and they will learn to feed off eachother. We're just taking the lumps right now.
  19. Putting into perspective your username, and the circumstances the past 3+ seasons, your two posts in this thread regarding our manager hit the spot. Well done.
  20. He really whacked that one good. Almost came out of his shoes.
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