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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Yup. I also think it's pretty obvious that this team has a terrible approach at the plate when it comes to situational hitting. The pitcher will walk the first 2 batters, and the next guy up hacks at the first 2 pitches. The pitcher will be striking out guys left and right, and we start watching strikes and swinging at balls.
  2. lol @ Pujols using steroids. He's the same damn size now that he's been the past 10 years. As far as this team and being 10 games back...well, they got a lot of work ahead of them.
  3. Next door neighbor has a pit-bull. Everytime I go out the side gate, the thing barks like it's going to eat me. Open up the garage door to work on the car? The thing barks like it's going to eat me. You'd think after a year or 2 it'd know my smell and shut the f*** up! Couple months go by, what happens? They get another pit-bull! Now I have 2 dogs barking at me every time I go out the side gate or want to do anything around the garage. I've mentioned several times that those dogs constantly barking every time you go out the side gate devalues this house by at least 10 grand. I'll let you guess the nationality of my neighbors. I can tell you one thing they're terrible dog owners.
  4. lol @ Lifetime bashing. If he wants to consistently piss of multiples of posters who actually contribute something of substance to these threads, he should be prepared for what he has coming to him. I'm pretty sure he's a big boy and can handle it himself.
  5. Don't see why he's apologizing, each one of those asshat umpires should be doing it instead. Sure the manager didn't know something we all figure is basic knowledge, but that's not his problem, managers have brain farts, lots of stuff going on during games, sure enough somethings going to come along they don't know. The umps should be apologizing because first and foremost its the UMPIRES JOBS to ENFORCE and KNOW the rules and in this situation they failed miserably. Hell, I wonder if this would have even been an issue if Mike didn't run out there to start arguing! And THAT is my biggest beef with this.
  6. They do? I have to say I think it's refreshing to hear a former insiders opinion that isn't swayed by the team, which is what we get with any interview from anyone within the organization, and it comes off oblivious and its frustrating to hear over and over. For once we're getting an opinion from a guy who was pretty much straightforward the entire time we had him, who is familiar with this type of situation, and doesn't have to kiss Angels' ass anymore! And while I'd say I don't agree with everything he said in that article, I'd say his assessment is more accurate than anything we've gotten from an Angel over the past 3 years. Even Trumbo last-night stumbled a bit last night during the post game interview when he almost muttered "not playing good baseball," he kinda backtracked and was thinking what he was supposed to say. The guys on this team aren't allowed be straight forward and honest about what's happening on the field, they sugar coat the negatives and it's getting old.
  7. How is a team supposed to "jell" if they never player together for more than a year? Harens right. We looked decent at the end of last year, and shoulda kept intact with more of those guys. I would have been fine passing on Hamilton to keep a majority of the same guys.
  8. Or wait until the game is over...
  9. ^^Considering it. Or you could just admit a signature of that size is unnecessary and ugly, and shouldn't be allowed.
  10. And let ONE person ruin seeing the signatures of everyone else? Hell no!
  11. As the ball goes off his glove...
  12. Sox commentators are picking apart our poor pitching with little to no ease, and good god they make great sense.
  13. This is baseball. The rules don't count when the game is in progress.
  14. I'm not sure how they expect to get through the season this way.
  15. We should ban signatures that take up more room vertically than the posts themselves. Not only is it annoying, it dirties up the forums.
  16. Lifetime trying as hard as he can to get back the lackluster reputation he had on the old forums. Can't say he's not succeeding.
  17. About damn time. Completely unacceptable MLB Umpiring. Just proves they can do whatever they want to affect the outcome of any game, and it just shouldn't be that way.
  18. Last night, against the Astros (who haven't won 10 games), the dude wearing the Pujols uniform K'd after check swinging at a ball, looking at a strike, then swinging through a ball where his head ended up staring at the nacho stand along the left field line. My friggin' grandma could'a done better holding an ice pick with a bandanna over her eyes.
  19. If I were Moreno, I'd need a new desk chair every day after throwing it off my Owners Balcony during each game. The guys gotta be livid.
  20. Hamilton should be required to go up to the next 50 at-bats without swinging. Maybe he'll take some walks, maybe he'll get some called 3rd strikes, but he'll undoubtedly do more for the Angels than he is right now.
  21. It's becoming painfully obvious that this organization has no clue how to manage big name stars. They just pay them millions to let loose and do what they want.
  22. Who'da thunk we'd be mathematically out of the playoffs this year quicker than we were last year? The Angels are becoming a team who break records based on failure. Someones not doing something right.
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