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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Sounds like Weavy. Can't wait to have him (and Bourjos) back.
  2. I think they should have locked him 5 years 100 Mill after last season. He wouldn't say no.
  3. "The Angels gained a game on the Texas Rangers. That was the big news" I hate the LA Times.
  4. Don't really like this article, it doesn't do anything for me. He's stating the same garbage in the same asshat tone as the FOX commentators do when the Angels play on Saturdays. A better article would have been if this writer actually had any insight into why Albert might be performing this way. I personally think the team wants Pujols to take care of himself, but I think Pujols wants to play and get through the season first. Not an ideal plan, but I really think his passion to play is what's delaying the inevitable.
  5. What can you say, Angels fans just aren't that excited about anything on the field right now.
  6. Obviously Eric Notti supports Aybar batting leadoff because of Scioscia's reasoning, which has been crazy successful the past 3+ years.
  7. Man, Langston isn't always right, but he makes a very good point if he said this. I like his analysis on pitching, its not something I've heard during broadcasts before, and I like his take and honesty on the frame of mind of staying in the game. He's also made references to pitch counts at times saying if a guy is in a groove and pitching well, it's NOT gonna kill him to throw 110+ pitches in a game! He wants to, let him do it! Why can't Scioscia, just once, head out there without making up his mind that he's switching a pitcher before hand, and grow some camaraderie. Say "You got this, we both know it. You're gonna have to make a couple tough pitches but keep 'em low. I don't wanna use my 'pen, and you don't wanna leave the game. Lets both finish this game happy!"
  8. I would have taken Russel Martin in a heartbeat. Iannetta is putting up Mathis-esque numbers right now.
  9. Yeah I guess direct evidence that proves a point is something to Lol at.
  10. Very possible. The marine layer is not necessarily always going to be looming around the stadium, it really depends on the weather and how it changes over the course of the day, especially when the sun starts to go down. Here's a photo of Orange County when the marine layer doesn't take the night off (this was taken Monday night). You can see how the humidity and air density just sweeps over the city miles in from the ocean, and even reaches Angel stadium. You can see the stadium lights in the photo, they are just above the green arrow.
  11. OMG thank you for sharing this. He looks like a cartoon character that thinks there's a tunnel when really the roadrunner just painted a black circle on the wall LOL
  12. I could take or leave both of them. Most likely leave.
  13. It has nothing to do with his weight. He sees guys not even trying getting paid (almost) 100x what he is and therefore has no reason to sacrifice his young talent or abilities for the rest of them. Can't say I blame him.
  14. Moreno should tell him "let loose" in the Angels locker room from time to time.
  15. Albert "warning track" Pujols. Will be at high enough elevation tonight to see if the marine layer makes it to Angel Stadium sometime around 7-8 PM, and will try to do an update on its status around then. It really depends on how much it cools off tonight. Yes folks, believe it or not, you can see the marine layer if you're high enough to view the entire city.
  16. I understand your argument Stradling, but that's really the thing: I can't enjoy going to the park on a game by game basis right now, because this team has not played good baseball in 3+ years! I can enjoy listening to them on the radio or watching it on TV, but that's because I know I can shut it off. And even through radio or TV I cringe when I see or hear how these guys play. It's so bad. The Angels are my favorite ball club no doubt, gone to their games since t-ball, so I'm not sure fickle is the right word. I'd say a more accurate word is stubborn. I am definitely of the attitude that I am not going to reward them with my attendance for playing crappy baseball. If it was $5 total for me to park and get into the stadium to watch the game, I might consider it. But I went to a couple games last year, even organized as many as 6-8 of my friends and their girlfriends to go to the games, and I have to say I regretted it. The time, the money, it was just awful. Even one of my buddies who doesn't know much about baseball kept wondering why they kept watching strikes go by to swing at balls and hit pussy dribblers. Another friend wondered why they changed a pitcher who was fooling batters the previous inning. To hear it from my friends magnified the fact that this team, in this big stadium, with all the glitz and glamour, still weren't fooling anybody. Here's the thing: if the games are good, close, fun to watch, and the Angels lose in the process, I'm fine with that. You can't win 'em all, and I can excuse the loss because it was a fun game to watch. When I spend time and spend money to go to a game, all I ask is to see good baseball. And from when I started watching this team when I was young, up until a couple years ago, the Angels used to play good baseball. But the bottom line is right now this team just doesn't play good baseball. And I'm not going to pay them to watch it.
  17. I don't think you could pay me $3.95 to get me to the stadium. $25 Mill a season? Sure, I'd show up.
  18. Good thing he's got that doo rag to help him out.
  19. Big paycheck, free-swinging mentality.
  20. Sounds like that's what's gonna happen to us. This team has a hard enough time getting its fans to vote when they're winning. I can't imagine how low the counts are now that they've sucked the past 3+ years. Do we have an all-star on our team? Maybe Trumbo. Other than that so far I haven't seen one.
  21. I think he thinks he will impress an MLB team and will be asked to come back to play for them. If you think about it, baseball is probably the only thing he knows. Thankfully for the sake of our hilarity, he looks worse than ever.
  22. Pretty ridiculous that the past 2 big name players we've signed have had numbers decreasing before, and as soon, as they got here. And that's why they're gonna get booed when they under perform. The fans see it clear as day.
  23. Its because on our team the high paid players get here and they're just allowed to run hog wild and perform however they want. I'm sure there's some kind of pressure to perform once you put on those pinstripes.
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