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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. I literally just cringed seeing Wells in the 2 spot.
  2. Guys Hamilton doesn't give a sh*t and will free swing every at bat while never diving for a ball in LF, so get over it & stop torturing yourselves. This team has been cursed somehow and the only way to start over is to clean house. I just see so little motivation or accountability. I don't think Skip is the main problem per se but holy hell this is probably the worst performing team I've ever seen.
  3. The rule should be if they walk a batter, then don't atleast get an out on the next batter, they're yanked.
  4. Why couldn't we have any other shortstop in the league? Ugh.
  5. I have gone to a couple games alone because of free tickets, and it was fine. Actually had great seats too. Sometimes I like to go right when the gates open for BP to get catch some balls, so it works out. I think we all know, sometimes its hard to get a group of people to go, pay, meet up, etc. I actually got to see Pujols' first HR as an Angel @ Angel Stadium because I decided I would spend $12 and went by myself. And I was glad I did! I went to the movies alone only one time, to see The Dark Knight Rises for a matinee on its final day in the theaters. I just felt like I should go one more time. There was only 1 other person in the theater and we stayed all the way through the credits. When it ended I said aloud "F***in' dope maaan!" and the other guy was like "hell yeah!" Hahaha.. Other things I like doing alone: shopping and going to theme parks like Six Flags. I take my time and roam as I please. Single rider line, thank you! I have friends and a girl but sometimes its nice to just be by yourself and clear your head and get away. Plus you can do whatever you want without anyone bitching and moaning! I actually get along great with myself!
  6. To me its more that I don't see them losing only 35 games for the rest of the season...If feels like it will be much more. Losing only 47 more games through the rest of the seasons seems much more practical.
  7. It wouldn't bug me if Pujols watched his shots just a liiiiittle less. There's been times where he does that and it makes it to the warning track.
  8. It does make me feel better, thanks for sharing! Knew he'd come back around to being his old self.
  9. Plain and simple, what happened tonight is what we're paying Pujols for. Nice to see it happen, lets hope many more are to come. I don't ever remember reading a positive HM post to be honest.
  10. After watching these it kinda makes it hard to believe he doesn't wanna win. Lay off the squeeze bunts and Patrón shots bro!
  11. SO SO happy to have Mr. Gorgeous Bourjos back. Won't happen. Sciosc will give Peter consistent playing time b/c he has the potential to be a great leadoff hitter with Trout & Co. behind him. Nice to hear he's recovered and I hope he's 100% because I can't wait to see him out there. This is one move Skip has made that I actually agree with.
  12. Its messy because whenever you ignore a problem for so long, you just delay the inevitable. I agree its gonna be a crapshow, but I DO like how the MLB has a stance on this kind of stuff, and even though its taking time, they're sticking to their guns. Even the Stankees with names like A-Rod. I like 100 game suspension off the bat, but 3 chances? No way. For me its 2: you get one then you're gone. But I will admit I'm a strict m**********r. I can't even fathom doing this kind of stuff when I was playing ball in college. The thing that killed me was the politics, the talent was thrown out the window when it came to "who started." But even/if...why would a person possibly throw away their entire career if they have the skills? For some reason they sacrificed that opportunity to excel unnaturally, and risked being caught with this stuff! IMO the MLB is making this a moral issue; who in their right mind thinks doing this stuff is OK? And if you're going to use that precedent to draw a line, that's fine with me.
  13. Awww damn. Just saw the last name. He's still a douche ass.
  14. Kiss good-bye to that 2nd consecutive Triple Crown and MVP Cabrera! So glad to see his douche ass on the list.
  15. Woods problem is not that he struggles performing at the AAA level, its that he couldn't perform at the major league level.
  16. They keep re-defining rock bottom so often who knows anymore.
  17. If my boy Weav didn't get hurt I would hope he'd be slated. Trout is pretty much it. Too bad Trumbo doesn't have the $50 Million veterans picking him up otherwise he would probably get there too.
  18. Agreed. He's saying what we're all thinkin'. And its refreshing to hear some deserved criticism even if Terry has to quietly, silently, not disregard his comments.
  19. The kicker is that in these 1 run games, we actually get the meat of our order up (2-5) during the 8th or 9th innings, they just don't do anything! So it's not like they're not getting opportunities to go out there and get some guys on base and manufacture a run to tie the game or get 2 runs and take the lead. And I think that's what hurts the most. That's exactly what these guys are getting paid for. And for the most part they fall flat on their faces. If you're down by 1 run late in the game and hear that Trout, Pujols, Trumbo, Hamilton are coming up, you would just kinda assume they'd do something with one swing of the bat to get the team back into the game. That just doesn't happen with this team, and it hasn't happend for the past 3+ seasons now.
  20. ahhh I don't even think I'm gonna listen to the game tonight I won't be able to take it live if we get swept.
  21. Oh look at that, a player gets picked up on a new team and doesn't suck. Must be nice.
  22. Trout just seems right in CF. Would it really be detrimental to Bourjos to put him in LF? Team is just so dysfunctional as it is.
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