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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. LOL walks Pedroia to face Ortiz. Terrible approach. Amazing a lefty batter that can hit left handed pitching.
  2. Yay more walks. Because those have worked out before. Get this gutless blowhard outta there!
  3. Super jealous. World Series MVP! Um, I was 8 years old but okay. And the only reason I care is because it's a team I'm a fan of and it's beyond annoying that it gets brought up by the general public so often. Why would I care about all those other teams I'm not a fan off? They can do whatever they want.
  4. Like the new line up. But I'm watching this game, so they're not gonna win guys. Sorry.
  5. I've never hated the A's. Always have guys with great swings. Will probably be going to an A's game this summer when I'm up in Sacramento. Those guys play with what they got, and you've gotta tip your cap to them...
  6. Friggin' LOVE it. I would accept that over Anaheim Angels. I also dig the GOLD halos over the A (just like the cap above), probably my favorite limited jersey accent of all time. Looks so good with the red and especially the blue cap backround. I wish after the 50th they woulda just stuck with the gold halo for good. I've been buying caps with the 50th Anniversary patch on the side just for the gold halos. Don't tell ME I'm not a fan!! Imagine red/gray Anaheim aways with a gold halo. Freakin' sick.
  7. ^They were also the Anaheim Angels after the periwinkles, with the same awesome style jersey they use today. Uhm, they won a World Series as the Anaheim Angels. They also had sick away uni's with a halo over the A in Anaheim across the chest. Associating this team with that garbage county one border West is probably my least favorite thing Arte has done to the team. Anaheim Angels is the best name for the team, period.
  8. Because he's valuable and awesome that's why.
  9. The Los Angeles California Angels in North America United States on Planet Earth in the Milky Way Galaxy of the Universe in Anaheim
  10. We'll take 2 in Boston, get swept in Baltimore, then take 2 from the Stanks.
  11. Have you guys seen the balls that he has hit for home runs? When he makes good contact, he still hits rockets. Weight loss has nothing to do with not seeing the ball well or swinging at junk. That's what his problems are at the plate this year.
  12. Also on ESPN if you look up his Career Stats. "Ortiz had an MRI that showed no tears in his injured elbow and he will be re-evaluated after swelling reduces, Gregor Chisholm of MLB.com reports. (about 2 days ago)" Hope he gets another shot. But with how some guys are, he might be the type that just has a hard time saying good-bye. I understand this may be rough, but he DID win a World Series and has a ring. Something some people never get to do. I had no clue he was even still pitching.
  13. They could probably win, but lets be honest, Scioscia would just find some way to screw it up.
  14. Wouldn't even think twice. The people on here saying whoever does this is a nitwit has a remarkably non-existent sense of humor. I think its an easy, hilarious, harmless stunt, that voices the disappointment of the fans of this team perfectly. "Yeah I'm here, I bought tickets, and I'm a fan, buuuut just in case, lets make sure nobody knows it cause this team is embarrassing."
  15. http://www.latimes.com/sports/baseball/mlb/angels/la-sp-0606-angels-notes-20130606,0,4090680.story "Jerome Williams has the lowest earned-run average among the Angels starters at 2.56. He ranks fourth in the league, just ahead of Seattle Mariners ace Felix Hernandez. The only AL starters with a lower ERA are Clay Buchholz of the Boston Red Sox, Hisashi Iwakuma of the Mariners and Chris Sale of the Chicago White Sox." No reason he deserved to be put back in the bullpen. Sorry. For a team that has struggled with its starting pitching, he needs to be out there eating as many innings as possible. There's no wonder this team is struggling. The players that perform don't necessarily earn roles.
  16. What if everyone in the stadium wore paper bags?
  17. I'm not even a fan of Torii, but I'm glad he found a spot on a team like the Tigers. He didn't deserve a pay cut to be put through this type of torture.
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