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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Ball went all the way to the backstop and couldn't find it until Arozarena was already rounding 3rd base. Why nobody was yelling or pointing or telling him where to go is beyond me.
  2. Soriano is not even pitching that poorly, he just needs to stop getting in the way of the balls that are hit to him.
  3. I think Moniak and Adell should be swapped in the lineup. The more at bats Adell gets the better. Hope Sano has a chip on his shoulder today after watching strike 3 to end the game just 16 hours ago. Feel like this one is really going to depend on how Soriano starts, would be nice if he got through 3 or 4 innings unscathed.
  4. CSUF Business Graduate here. I wonder if Da Silva is still doing finance...if he is I highly recommend him. Best word of advice I can give you: after your first year, find an internship, or 2, or 3 whether it be paid, or free, that last about 6 months to a year, and see how you enjoy those positions to see what you really want to do with your degree. It helps immensely, not only the recommendations you'll get and the experience on your resume, but will give you a better idea of what those jobs really entail. Furthermore, it will help guide you towards what classes you should take in the oncoming years.
  5. I feel like Sandy is hesitant of the batters making contact, so he pitches around the strike zone, and his arm is usually inconsistent accuracy-wise, and it gets him in trouble. So he falls behind in the count. Then when he HAS to throw a strike, the batters are waiting for it. The lead off walks to start the inning really have to stop, especially the inning after we get a lead. If he gives up a base hit, that's fine with me, and it's a lot different, because at least they had to earn it. But more often than not the batters will get themselves out, so he has to learn to let them.
  6. Fairbanks really hasn't been the same closer since the playoffs last year. He used to really shut the door, he's had problems this year.
  7. Schanuel might as well had gone up there without a bat in his hands. 2 for 31 hooooly crap
  8. That runner has gone 90 feet 8 times this inning lol 890 feet to go from home plate to score haha
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