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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Good news! Glad it won't affect his cannon hand, but his batting may suffer. Hope this isn't a sign of an injury prone player. If so, MHD may finally get his wish. Who's side is he on?? I'm still rootin' for Peter though! One of my favorite young newcomers next to Trout, that's for sure. Dude can be a pest if you give him the opportunities!
  2. Let's hope so. The guy can make his money, not my problem, but to me it is a plus for the game and a great example of the consequences that come with disobeying the "juice rules" if we never see this guy have an at-bat in a Major League stadium ever again. He is falling apart like a decrepid old man, clearly his earlier decisions are affecting his performance long term. Hope you had fun A-Rod! Now go shut the f*** up!
  3. Watch out folks, we've got an expert here.
  4. The Disney references are never going to go away, are they? Its a weird thing, like its some sort of knock on the team...
  5. Totally. And if she's crazy good, how awesome is that for school publicity? This school is just giving the media a reason to create another religious hate article.
  7. Would love to know what this guy does for a living. This one?
  8. will wait for Redbox and even then will prolly skip it
  9. Wild stuff DR. Can't even imagine the loss of a SO. You are going to have to cope with controlling that array of feelings if you want to move on and play the singles game. You DO have something some people don't have: friends. And you should feel blessed as they look like they're fun dudes, be thankful for them. Pro Tip: STOP fooling yourself into believing you have nothing to do. And even if you don't, stop vocalizing it!! There's PLENTY to do, you've got a list and you're a busy man, and you're so busy you don't have time to be texting blondes on a Sunday...ya hear? Beautiful babies ain't fly on kickin' it with dudes who have nothing to do. You're here on this beautiful planet, you're a busy stud, and you know it. You have a strong heart that's beating on Gods green earth, it's a beautiful day, and you're gonna make the most of it. You don't have time to deal with women. If you're gonna take time to let some blondie slide her way into your busy day, so be it, but it should be on your time, not hers. Coffee next week? "Sure, but Fridays my only free day." If she says Thursday let her know its not gonna work because it conflicts with your monthly "guys night at the bar." If she can't find a way to make time to see you, maybe that's a sign. There is something each and every one of us has, male or female, and that is VALUE. How you demonstrate your value is up to you.
  10. Funny. Terry Smith opened his big "foreshadowing mouth" about the exact same thing as soon as the 9th opened up and whoop dee doo, look what happened immediately, Frieri starts off the 9th with a walk. Little hint to the relief pitching on this team: QUIT WALKING THE FIRST BATTER OF THE F*****G INNING. Relying on/referencing stats like that is the exact reason this team can't hit a stride. What did you think that 22 batters in a row was just gonna go on forever?
  11. Weaver will be fine, he's a contender. He's just had a tough time adjusting after being out for so long during the season. And lets be honest, it's not like this offense has picked up a starting pitcher all year long. Seems like Weav has needed that in his comeback, and our bats are (yawningly) nowhere to be found. Velocity means little when you have great command. And Weaver has that. One of the few electric talents on this team, that's for sure.
  12. Dudes laughing to the bank right now like Wells with money he'll never have to earn.
  13. I think this says something about the product on the field and how the team feels about having a shot at the playoffs. Perhaps to this team, the season is already over. Pretty crappy these guys don't even try to pick eachother up. BTW, why wasn't Trout bunting??? That's some fine managing!
  14. Dudes passionate, and sometimes passionate people say things without a filter, but no doubt Rickey's got a great baseball mind. Can't argue with 1 thing he said here. I think the last leadoff hitter we had that worked walks just to expose the pitcher was Eckstein. Do we even have a player on our team that is more concerned with getting on base through a walk instead of swinging at junk to try and get on? It would be nice to have a player like that. You can get a lot done by getting in that pitchers head and forcing him to throw strikes. This Angels team simply does not do that. I don't doubt if Rickey was our manger he'd say things to players and media that nobody thought they'd hear. Would be quite refreshing to say the least.
  15. Love the "Scioscia arguing with umpire face" avatars.
  16. What? It would be refreshing to hear a player say something along those lines today. Most especially Hamilton. It would also be refreshing to have a manager who would say something about his players like Bill Rigley, and it might actually make a difference. Because what happened back then to Leon is exactly what's happening to Hamilton. Love this quote: "'Leon, if you walk in the first inning and walk in the third and fly out in the sixth you can still get a home run in the eighth and you've gone one for two and your batting average will go up." Awesome! And really, if they're not going to pitch to you, find out other ways to help your team!!
  17. Pretty pathetic the only run this team can score is one that was unearned on a pass ball.
  18. And I shouldn't have said anything cause as soon as we score of course CJ lets the lead off man on...
  19. At least he's holding them to a shutout into the sixth. Can't ask for much more.
  20. I have a feeling Wilson is going to have to pitch well in order for our offense to score enough runs to win this game. His last couple outings have been awful.
  21. Haha Hamilton. Nice to see Bourjos back at leadoff like he deserves.
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