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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Because during his career he has exhibited no class or respect for the game, and yet he has been given chance, after chance, after chance and some of us are sick and tired of seeing someone flip off the entire system time after time to still have to see him swing a bat and participate in Major League Baseball.
  2. Oh lawdy, this Hunter crap has got to stop. Torii helps Trout catch that the same way Torii helps Miggy hit a homer. The Torii ass kissers and missers need to quit it, your logic makes no sense.
  3. 7 run inning. How embarrassing. Watch them fold 1-2-3 in the bottom of this inning.
  4. Sad to see that even Trout is not immune to this teams asshattedness.
  5. Do you see how successful teams take advantage with runner in scoring position? Do you see how successful teams foul off close pitches and hit their pitch instead of swinging at balls? Must be nice to be on a team like that.
  6. So glad i didn't go to the game tonight. 40 pitches this inning for Jerome.
  7. What a spectacular philosophy. I wish our team would incorperate that into their playing.
  8. Good teams take advantage when these types of situations arise. The Cardinals are a good team, no doubt about it.
  9. Standing up for Josh's putrid performance thus far KJ, that's cute.
  10. Why is it when Shucks playing he gets the leadoff spot and Aybar goes to #9, but if Bourjos is in the game he gets #9 and Aybar gets the leadoff spot?
  11. Don't be dense, you're trying to form shapes to make an example how the two players are somehow similar but its not even close to the same thing. Manny literally got kicked out of baseball because he couldn't stop using steroids. He was suspended using drugs while playing on a Major League Baseball field TWICE. He has repeatedly given the public examples of how he has no intentions of being a class act, and so it is fitting that he is with an organization that exhibits none as well.
  12. I'm not saying the commercial should be aired on public television, but as a mock ad and putting into consideration its adult humor, I think it was funny. Look at you on Mount Pious! With such passion regarding the disapproval of these ads, you're obviously doing something productive to reverse the morally bankrupt process, no? Open your eyes, Family Guy has been on the air for years and their garbage humor is much, much more morally bankrupt.
  13. It's me. And when it sells I'm gonna to revive this thread with a big HA HA.
  14. Pretty obvious you're someone who still can't seem to let go of Hamiltons drug past despite his success in quitting and making something of himself via Major League Baseball. Repeatedly referring to it as some sort of tool to throw low blows says all you have to know about someone with no class.
  15. My thoughts: BOO on you Rangers. Not that you have a history of being a class act or anything anyway. This is why I'm a 2 strikes and you're out advocate when it comes to the suspensions/bans. Manny is not good for baseball anymore. Period.
  16. I just don't see Albert driving his pitch anymore. I think it just has something to do with the mentality of this team.
  17. Yah those are sweet and super loud but I didn't know people called them M80's, I just figured they were bottle bombs. Prolly my favorite customization of an explosive. BTW if you go to Long Beach and go to the sand on the beach (say, take Cherry from 7th street to the coast) to watch the fireworks show over the Queen Mary, people light off legal and illegal fireworks the entire time. Bottle rockets and mortars over the ocean, kids holding sparklers, etc.. It's really quite amazing I've never seen anyone get in trouble for lighting them off there. Terrible thing is people are pigs and everyone leaves their trash and crap on the sand. Next day the place looks like a big garbage truck just drove on the sand and started dumping its load.
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