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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Hell yeah SoCal bird! Nice to hear what you think of baseball in Orange County, CA! Honestly, we love our team and you probably see how critical we get on AngelsWin when we're not performing as well as we all think the Angels should. I think its because we one day hope to have a team with as much class and respectability, backed by performance, as your Cardinals have in each and every game for the past century. Also, we love our Mike Trout! It's only too bad this team isn't performing well enough to highlight his 110% on the field to the rest of the league. To go with your AL remark, I can honestly say the Cardinals are probably my favorite NL team, and I have no problem rooting for them if they're in contention during the playoffs. I have family/friends in Georgia who moved from here, they go to 1/4 of the home games, and they are some of the nicest people I know. Nice to hear you enjoyed the park. Have yet to visit Busch, but it's on the list! I too love Angel Stadium. It has aged, but it is the original at the core. Glad to hear we might've won over a fan tonight! I like to think we have some of the classier fans in the surrounding area (avoid Chavez ravine like the plague!)!
  2. Consider we have 272 walks given up by our pitching staff, 7th worst out of 30 teams, and 362 earned runs against our staff, 3rd highest in MLB, and the question really answers itself. Keep giving up free base-runners and Major League teams will find a way to get them in.
  3. Also, not sure how they've been building us up. The team hasn't been competitive the past 3+ years.
  4. Gotta be honest, even during the 8 game streak I was not impressed. Knew it was a fluke and this team would go right on back to sucking. Until this team hits .500 there's really nothing they do that could excite me, because their good performances are all just so short term.
  5. That's our .245 hitting, $25 Million dollar man that goes 0-fer against his former team. So sick of this garbage.
  6. All they have to do is throw strikes, but keep them low as possible. Statistically speaking, the batter is going to get himself out by swinging 7 out of 10 times!
  7. Absolutely horrific display of pitching tonight.
  8. Another f***ing walk are you kidding me? I'd rather the guy EARN a basehit than GIFT a free base.
  9. Angels baseball the past 3+ years now...fall behind, start hacking at junk instead of chipping away...
  10. It would be nice if this team actually got up to .500
  11. Absolutely absurd. Say every 6 walks scores a run, thats over 45 runs just given away because of walks.
  12. How many free bases has our pitching staff given up this season? No wonder we have a hard time winning games...
  13. Not sure it even qualifies as a decline. As soon he put on that Angel uniform its as if he did a 180 from the way he performed in St Louis. More like its sad to see Pujols fall off the face of the planet.
  14. Pujols is sure making the Cards look like geniuses for not signing him...
  15. Our scouts literally have no clue what the hell they're doing.
  16. Matt Carpenter reaches on a missed catch error by pitcher Garrett Richards, assist to first baseman Mark Trumbo.
  17. Way to look out. Have Chuck use his private line to dugout phone and get Skip on the phone stat.
  18. Don't care that they've had 6 and 8 game winning streaks, this team is so baaad.
  19. It's pretty frustrating to see teams pick us apart while we just constantly roll over and quit.
  20. Its that Nike glove. The brand of Satan. He never should have signed with them.
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