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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Like every other theme park in the world???
  2. The God of Runs...after starting a thread like this I'm convinced its a reference to you sitting on the toilet...
  3. No, I just mean she isn't that hot. And the cheap tacky tattoo on her left arm ain't helpin.
  4. I'm not sure anybody stated otherwise.
  5. I don't even see what the big deal was about her.
  6. This thread has made me crack up. Well done. Hope to see more of these in the future.
  7. Irrelevant. Trout should not participate in the HRD.
  8. Seriously. I don't think there could be a more perfect nationally televised platform to MAKE AN EXAMPLE out of the cheaters than making it known during the All Star game that many of the stars who were voted in can't play because they were suspended. Nope, instead MLB is letting them have their time in the lights for one more hurrah like nothings going on. Letting Cano be a HRD captain one last time. Pretty disgusting.
  9. Ha-Ha! Suuuure...BEWARE ALL: NOTHING said in the above post is validated by research or facts. Nicotine from using tobacco fools people into thinking they enjoy it and it reduces stress. Ever seen someone smoke or dip the first time? What do they say? "This is disgusting! How could I possibly get hooked on something so terrible?" But a seasoned user hooked on nicotine who is used to the "disgusting" habit, gradually swears enjoyment or improved performance from its use. In fact, it is nothing but the dependence on the substance of nicotine that justifies the continued use. Smokers/Dippers actually build up great anxiety from using tobacco, because they know of the long term consequences that will come, and it stresses them the hell out. That stress switch relays the short term "relaxing" benefit of tobacco, and the cycle continues. Hamilton is an adult and can do whatever he wants. If dipping puts him in his happy place to "help him" bat better, fine. But the issue remains that he is now a legal substance user, and the practice barely falls far from someone who needs a fix to get the job done. Take it from a former tobacco user who habitually smoked, and dipped, for 10 years: after its all said and done this kinda fix is all in your head. Dipping gives you interior gum peeling, random lumps in your lips, your throat and gums, and makes your tounge and mouth a medium for bad breath. Look at Aybar, he uses tobacco all the time and his teeth are freakin' yellow. Smoking causes increased illness, coughs, and dependence on an expensive hourly fix. We've all seen it. HoA says tobacco reduces stress, yeah maybe, for a split-second, as you eagerly await that first puff or the first seconds of the pinch. But after that it's mostly depression and regret. Dip and cigarettes are eerily similar in that they for some reason make people feel macho while using out in public, but make you feel so imprisoned and helpless behind closed doors.
  10. Pumped to see a post like this. Love me a catcher with a high CS % and love me a catcher with some power in the batters box. Happy to see him get better the more he plays. I've been rooting for Conger since I've seen him come up for the Angels. He's a local grown prospect (Grad of HB High) and has been with the Angels since day one of his ML career. He seems like a great guy who can lead our pitching, and keeps the team loose with his young perspective and personality. Nothing but the best for King Cong!
  11. Someone clean will beat 73. Not mentioning any names. That is why I have no problem saying 73 is the record.
  12. Probably the dumbest thing I've ever read on this site. Basically you're saying a majority of fans would not even be on this site if it wasn't for those 3, and that's BS. Fan_Since79: Refreshing to have a fan of the game hold a stance practically along the lines of "no-tolerance." Gotta be honest, I feel the same way. Look at Manny. Give an inch of lax after they break the rules, they do the time, then sign multi-million dollar contrack before they come back and break the rules again. They "retire" for fun to cut down on 100 game suspensions, then come back AGAIN because they're still not banned. 3 years suspension keeps them from dancing around "retirement" and whatever number of games they can't play, and gives them some real time to think about what they've done. I have no problem with that.
  13. NO!!!! Honestly eff the HRD. Save the power swing for the game. I'm glad Trumbo isn't going. “It’s grueling for the participants. The number of full-gorilla swings you take … it’s like being on a driving range and hitting 10 buckets of balls. It’s tough. I haven’t seen somebody come away from that derby and be a better player for it.” Prolly one of the better things Scioscia has ever said.
  14. Napoli has that fire in him. The fire the Angels lost 'till present as soon as they let him go. I never had a problem with him hitting .250 and catching here. Thing is he pushes the envelope when playing the Angels out of pure spite. While being on strong teams like Tex or Bos. They feed his confidence like the Angels never could. I'm starting to see that a lot at Angel Stadium. Nothing at those fence boundaries explicitly states that going to grab a ball over there is against stadium policy, but those rails at the bottom of the CF greenery are obviously not there to save a human in case they fall. I'm sure those fans get ejected from the stadium, but if there's nothing there saying they will be ejected, who knows for sure. I wish Angels stadium was not so hard nosed, where they can run out there to get the ball, but I know how the park is run so I doubt the fans get away with it. They most likely get the ball taken away from them then are escorted from the park.
  15. Apparently Hamilton takes issue with catching easy fly balls. Its one thing if the guy ain't hittin' all that great, but making little league errors just makes me want him Wells'd. Who knows which way this guy would randomly blow it by brain-fart error if we were in the playoffs. Anybody see his unnecessary 540 spin to throw it to the infield the other night? Guy is absent minded as hell.
  16. ^Blah, what a broken record. So quickly acting like a church runs like a fortune 500 company then backtracking when you're called on it... HA! How ironic, your post rooted in religious hate really comes off as more of a joke than anything. "Organization of child molestation" demonstrates your complete misunderstanding of the Catholicism in general. No participating parishioner supports a priest rooted in that molestation garbage. It is well known the church gets tax breaks because of simple federal separation of church and state. Would you prefer it not separate? Would you prefer decisions made by church to be a substantial weight in your law? I don't think so. The Catholic church consistently gets donations from members of the church, those of faith who may or may not believe 100% in the scripture, but show up for service every week, every once in a while, during Christmas and Easter, and appreciate the effort put forth, and want to give thanks for the mass in terms of monetary compensation because they know, nothing is free. Donations are tax deductible, and free to receive because of the public services they provide. Catholic churches actually provide food, clothing, shelter and care for the homeless and their children as a result of these donations, which is probably more than you or your family has ever contributed to those in need. Are you saying you're against those initiatives as well? And this. This is gold. How would you even know how ridiculous the money they made was unless you were a 24 hour practicing priest or some church head out of state like they are? Do you know what they do with the money? Did you commit your life to a religion, to several churches, and the people of it? How do you know what they're doing with that money or what they spend it on? Frankly, it's none of your business. Just like its none of your business how much anybody makes regardless of what profession they're in. An accountant makes several of millions of dollars legally doing less work, amazing that we never hear you loan experts bitching about them. I am barely religious, but this is because I understand the way people think based on how I was raised, and the impulse stereotypes and assumptions bewilder me. Funds are from people of the parish. So understand many people are willingly donating their money to the priest, the church, a head out of state, to keep the church running as they please for a reason. It's not like the priest is going door to door nabbing money out of your individual pocket as he pleases for sh*ts and giggles, so why do you even care? Just like gay marriage, it doesn't even effect you, you just sound like a hater. Not a fan of peoples individual rights. Being envious of the cash that a priest is making, the number of donations that build up, and what is done with the cash, which obviously you care about more than the people at the church that openly give their donations, is unprecedented. Hate, like racism, isn't one sided. Just cause you side with whats popular at the time doesn't make you any less guilty.
  17. Unlike modern humans the deer realize if they just wait 30 seconds, their turn will come.
  18. Rubber match the Angels give the ball to... I'm sure the Cards are shakin' in thur boots.
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