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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. ...and carries panties around to throw at him? Ohhh-kayyyy...
  2. I believe what Santana really said was "Fuggid Les Pisch."
  3. Wow Ted Berg, you are an asshat. You created this monster, by contributing to the now overwhelming hype around Yasiel Puig, and now we all have to "be okay" with it? Screw that. Two months in the league or not, if the guy is acting like a child on the field and a douchebag off the field, he should be called on it.
  4. Jeter looked like he was in bewilderment after that first hit. Limping into first on a gift base hit. Almost feel bad for the guy. ...almost... If there's anything we've learned from the Stankees in 2013, it's that they know damn well how to take multi-million dollar players, and drag them straight into the grave...
  5. ^holy smokes, from no other pitcher than our late great Ervin Santana...
  6. ^^Pretty sure no one considered the images posted so far as official entries.
  7. Updating after July 6th Josh is 18/52 since June 23rd, a .346 avg But the guy is still only batting .229, and was actually at .207 (Mathis-freakin'-esque) on June 23rd! Probably not that bad, but I wouldn't doubt Washington will put everything he's got into screwing with Josh's game, just like he has since we've played them in 2013. For example, bringing in a lefty pitcher for Hamilton after the 6th no matter the situation in the game. Just to cause a delay and get in Josh's head, and why blame him, cause its worked well so far. One thing I have noticed which is nice is that he still has that nice easy compact swing, and when he hits the ball on the screws, it goes high, and it goes far.
  8. If you actually read the thread you'd notice we're not only talking about some of his good performances, but also about his poor performances (and rather poor attitude) as well. People around the league are talking about this guy, for whatever reason. No reason we can't either.
  9. Since when hasn't McGwire had the cooler head? Puig seems a perfect fit for the unsportsmanlike attitude that is the Dodgers Organization.
  10. I cringe every time I hear Terry say "and the ball skips just out of the reach of Callaspo's glove" which I have heard way too often during his tenure.
  11. I dunno, do we really want a .250 hitter telling a .280 hitter how to approach an at-bat?
  12. Also almost made a ridiculous catch, but the ball hit the top of his glove. He was slapping the ground and throwing his glove around like a little kid after. BTW I would never choose to watch Dodger Baseball, it was on the TV in the bar at BJ's.
  13. Blanton stood there with his hands on his hips looking up to the sky with his eyes closed for about 30 seconds after that jack. Iannetta came out to him to give him a ball and he didn't even move. Almost kinda feel sorry for him. ...almost.
  14. lol Cubs commentators can't believe that their team is jacking balls with the poor fly ball conditions at the stadium. they're baffled, we're just used to it.
  15. The "makes too much sense" machine is about to 'splode.
  16. Can't believe they still actually put him out there
  17. LOL now Skip makes a pitching change. What a fat oaf
  18. Salt in the wound. Get rid of this guy. After tonight his record is 2-11. What a joke.
  19. This teams pitching is king of giving up free bases.
  20. Yeah cause you wouldn't, you know, want the public to have any grasp of how serious the steroid situation has gotten. It's like catching your kid doing something he's not supposed to be doing, letting him go out the next day because "he wants to celebrate," then punishing him the day after he's had his share of fun. Except the difference is here we're talking about people who are supposed to be adults.
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