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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. You don't win Major League ballgames by giving runs away...
  2. Just saw the Callaspo play on GD, jeez la weez that was terrible.
  3. ^^Seriously, you're right. I had this feeling yesturday that it didn't matter the Fri and Sat games, this team was playin a day game and was just gonna be relaxin' today. No way they'd sweep the A's.
  4. Callaspo is a terrible 3rd baseman. Don't know how many times i've heard "...and the ball skips past Callaspo just out of his reach."
  5. You gonna show up anytime this season Hamilton? Or you just gonna rock the .225 avg all season long?
  6. lol Colon 12-3, meanwhile we got hotshot Blanton something like 3-12
  7. ^Congratulations. You've hated on the guy since I can remember and now you seem delighted one of the better performers on the team this year is not around. Some fan. Out of a lot of guys on our team, I really thought Bourjos would not be as injury prone. He has seemed to be quite fragile in his tenure. What kinda scares me is how he will respond on the field once he heals come mid-August, being out of the game for such a long time, especially if we *happen* to be in any kind of contention for the playoffs. Hopefully he doesn't need too much "seasoning" and can get right back in it.
  8. Screw that "he's been a great closer" crap for practically handing 1/3 of the event over to the guy. What about the dozens of other players excited about being there? At-bats basically washed over because they can't take the camera off Rivera for a gosh darn second. Guess the game ain't all that exciting! There are plenty of other guys that have had fantastic careers and not 1 time can I remember the commentators, not to mention the entire stations responsible for airing the All Star Game, giving such applaud or showboating favoritism towards a single player like they did for Rivera. And we all know why, and its obvious that its because he's a freakin' Stankee. Shoving the Stanks as far down our throats as possible while they still have some meat left on the bone. While behind the bells and whistles the entire team is falling to shambles amid controversy and poor performance. But keep pretending everythings just fine, nothing new to see here folks! Stankee dynasty! Stankee dynsasty! Yeah he's been a fantastic closer, but we've all seen game and series changing plays pushed in the pinstripes favor for years now. You don't get a career like his if you don't get opportunities. If Rivera was on the Mariners his career would have been quite different. They even had the Yankee commentator go in the radio booth and talk about then Stankees for an entire inning. Wonder if they'd talk about how good he was if he was closing for the Mets. As soon as I saw the AL leading come the 7th, it all came off staged, like a freakin' reality TV show. That crap makes me sick to call a baseball game. ` /rant
  9. Jesus now they're making Torii Hunter lick Mariano's asshole as well. What a joke.
  10. Most boring. All Star Game. Ever. The announcers make it even worse. Please die Joe Buck.
  11. Of course if the NL won they'd prolly just give Rivera the award anyway. So sick of the Stankee ass play. Even had the Yankee commentator on to talk about the Yanks on the radio. Good thing I was in the garage it was instant projectile vomiting from me.
  12. Could do without the blow by blow analysis by Fox and ESPN radio. The d*** sucking is through the roof. They're already calling him MVP of this All Star Game, of course. I would prefer the NL win just so Rivera doesn't get anything.
  13. This Rivera crap is so scripted its disqusting.
  14. The only reason I'd ever get cable is to watch Angel games, but I'm not paying whatever ridiculous monthly fees they want just to watch baseball for 6 months. Nope. So for someone like me, I'm kinda screwed. The only way I get to watch the ballgames are if they're on FOX or if I'm at a bar or friends house who has FSN. Pretty freakin' lame.
  15. The flaw to the system is if Mota was pulled over and repeated that phrase verbatim, the cops probably would think he was drunk.
  16. There's a lot of music chicks dig that I hate. But I've learned to remember certain parts of songs so I can act like I enjoy them, that way when the song comes on and chicks are around I don't come off as a grumpy old fart .
  17. It's also a great way to knife everything you can about cutlery.
  18. Down in Missisipi where the sun beats down from the sky...
  19. IMO the trial seemed way too short for there to be any sort of convincing evidence. He may be charged with some things, but I doubt murder will be one of them. LOL what conservative radio guys have you been listening to? Pretty much every AM talk show I've heard regarding this case wants the guy put away.
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