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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. I know the perfect solution to this situation: Trump Trumbo and perhaps Garrett Richards toward it.
  2. Aaaand Hamilton swinging at friggin everything. What a bum.
  3. Decided to torture myself for an hour with Angels baseball so here I am...
  4. Sounds made up. "Oh look honey, we happened to make the headlines..."
  5. ^Can't say I disagree. USPS is practically bankrupt, and they're a poorly run Federal business just like anything else the government tries to run. 2 people working the office at 4pm on a Friday and the line is out the door. The line moves so slow they can't have a high through-put per hour. Prices to ship are higher than ever. And the only solution USPS can come up with is one that makes getting the mail even more inconvienient for their customers. One big headache after another.
  6. It's one thing to lie. It's another to be caught and still continue to deny. How dumb do you have to be? Braun knew the truth would eventually come out, he knew this day would come, and he lied anyway. Can't imagine the fans (or his buddy Aaron "discount-double-check" Rodgers) who supported him through the former tribulation are going to take kindly to that. Really a shame too, no reason he needed to throw away his stardom for one or two highlighted seasons. Also have to consider all the "fair ballplayers" who were overlooked and missed out on opportunities because of his success. For shame, Braun. For shame. I feel 180 degrees different about A-Rod. Can't wait for that to come out.
  7. TBH, I think anyone who's watched Albert thoughout his career has to be awestruck. The guy goes from hitting a .331 avg for 10 years, then hits an avg .278 for the next 3 years. IMO though, Hamilton is a worse deal. Atleast Pujols shows some balls out there. Hamilton just whiffs like a girl then has a sh*t eating grin as he walks back to the dugout.
  8. Good thing he didn't hit in the HRD, imagine how much he'd be lost then.
  9. Going on 4 years of crap baseball. How Arte's not throwing chairs through windows is beyond me.
  10. You mean Scioscia's patented closed door meeting?
  11. flyout, flyout, ground out, pop up, ground out, flyout...
  12. lol that throw by Iannetta to 3rd, we look like a bunch of prissy bit**es falling all over the place
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