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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Feel like that's the look we've been getting from every team for the past 4 years...
  2. I love how the biggest complaint is this team is void of talent however people keep making up situations where we give away what little talent is left on the team. Trumbo struggles have come from being surrounded by a free swinging team that sucks. Aybar, Kendrick, Callaspo need to go. Not Trumbo.
  3. I'd be lying if I didn't say I'm dissapointed by Kamp Krusty.
  4. Maybe its wasting my time trying to come up with rational reasoning, but I have seen the escalation of anger amongst this young generation and I don't really understand where it's coming from. These people have been given everything they need to succeed, they live in the greatest country in the world, and this is how they show their appreciation? This youth is apparently filled with irrational anger and gets utopian joy from destruction of society. A society built by the hard working generation before it, and one that every single one of these low lifes does not appreciate and is taking advantage of. It's like they're thinking "This sh*t is waaay too nice, let me find out every possible way to destroy it!" Where did this come from? I have never in my life felt the need to vent my feelings in a way that affects other peoples property. Tipping over porter potties? Really? It's a group of miscreants that constantly need to be babysat, and if you're not watching for one second they're going to find some way to take advantage, find your nice thing and destroy it. And if you catch them they're going to come up with some bullsh*t excuse as to why you can't hold them accountable. Sadly, I have seen this de-evolution everyday in our youth as I've gotten older. I see profanity laced t-shirts with guns and nude women in porn star positions, unfit for the eyes of the public or young kids who haven't even began their youth. BIG BOLD statements idolizing ignorance and stupidity, spreading vulgarity and a sense of "i don't give a f***" amongst peers. Praise of disrespect towards peoples privacy & property, all with an interest of shock value, short attention spans, and a collective disinterest in bettering society and a community. This stuff is constantly promoted through clothing, advertising, internet, culture, music, and television. Who is turning a blind eye and allowing these types of people to be raised this way and why are they doing such a shitty job? And why is this low-life-loser-bum kind of lifetyle being promoted and why are these kids attracted to it? Where did this stem from? It's obvious the age group in the video was 16-20. It looked like there was literally nobody who was 21 doing this stuff in the video. So lets see...these kids get tattoos, buy a pack of cigarettes, put on a tank, flip their snap-back on backwards and all of a sudden think they're somebodies because they're in Huntington Beach. Then they go and crap on society as hard as they can. And it's like they're pushing the envelope to expose the weakness of our American "good samaritan" society just to see what they can get away with when nobody's watching. It's freakin' disgusting, and its as if these kids have never been whacked or disciplined for being out of line. I'm also blown away that a larger police force was not out busting asses and throwing these kids to the ground. Kick a porter potty, destruction of public property you're under arrest. Basically they let these adolescents run hog wild 1/4 mild away as they slowly made a sweep down Main Street from the beach. Ridiculous. A complete failure by law enforcement in my opinion. When you let a group of teens get away with this kind of crap, it just enforces their belief that they can get away with this kind of garbage with little to no consequence, reinforcing the thought that if they could get away with this, there's plenty more where that came from. Maybe its proof that a generation of self-entitleds aren't capable of handling the trials and tribulations of real life? Because in my opinion each and every one of the kids in this video looks like someone who would not qualify for working at McDonalds, nonetheless a place where you'd have a career. And furthermore, what the hell are we going to do with all these low lifes within arms reach of our society? They're going to be around and there's not a lot we can do about it. That scares me more than anything. I will tell you one thing, there's a reason I keep a 34/31 in the trunk of my car, and with the "anarchy" these kids feel like they were participating in, they're damn lucky I didn't pick the same day to be down there, because if I saw this crap going on, I'd show them a thing or two about what anarchy and unrest is really about.
  5. This is just sad. You got Weaver pitching his heart out day in and day out and losing out on a W because of a lackluster bullpen. Sure ain't a way to turn this season around...
  6. For some reason I don't think you ever have a hard time finding a way to sleep at night...
  7. If you look closely, you can see an A with a halo around it on the farthest smoke stack...
  8. 0-2 when it comes to contributing some worthwhile context there FTA...
  9. Way to debut the boards with that ray of positivity. *rolls eyes*
  10. Weaver is by far, my favorite Angel. Guys intense and gives it all every game, through every pitch. Hope he's an Angel for life. Just waiting for him to get a full season in so he can win the Cy!
  11. Ugh goddammit Fat Man, Aybar does not belong in leadoff! I'd rather have freakin' Callaspo in leadoff. Trout batting 3rd is cool, nice to see Calhoun get the 2 slot, but Trumbo and Hamilton should switch spots.
  12. You can't give up on a future season, because you never know what can happen. The current season, however...
  13. I'm just glad Downs is gone so he can't blow any more close games with 1 pitch.
  14. Seriously, Trout and Weaver, the guys are competitors day in day out. Honestly, I think Pujols is too, given the fact the guy refused to stop playing until he literally couldn't walk. I said this in another thread, we need to dump Callaspo, Aybar and Kendrick, guys that have been here as the nucleus for the past couple years, and have got NOTHING done. They got home-friendly contracts, and I don't think they're earning the money they're getting paid. We get 3 young, talented players from our farm or traded from other teams to fill in 3rd, SS and 2nd base, and we have a face-lifted line up too. The team is just too stale with these 3 guys.
  15. I like Trout, Trumbo, Bourjos, Weaver, I can put up with CJ Wilson, and Conger, and we're gonna have to keep Hamilton and Pujols. To me that means we need to dump Aybar, Kendrick and Callaspo. They are useless. They have decent averages but they're the type of guys who stink when we need them clutch, when we need a late inning rally, and they inflate their numbers when we're losing and the games over. These 3 guys have been the nucleus of this team now long enough and they have NOT gotten the job done. I have no problem giving some young prospects or players from another team the chance to come be a part of our infield just to freshen it up. Problem is the contracts Aybar and Kendrick have. Completely team-biased contracts that I really don't think they deserved.
  16. LOL @ Major Leaguers involving themselves in barfights. LULZ at getting your ass handed to you after starting said bar fight. "along with reliever Joe Nathan and catcher A.J. Pierzynski" Why am I not surprised that these clowns were involved? AJ's in his mid 30's now and still hasn't grown up. Not surprising considering Tejas' players attitudes on the field...too bad this wasn't Cruz...
  17. I think it's pretty obvious that if Pujols was in the lineup this team would be winning the game... *rolls eyes*
  18. He got the contract of a lifetime. All of his past and future is villified. No reason to stress about silly things like batting average or winning ball games. Although you'd think a person who played baseball for so long might wanna win a World Series...
  19. Amazing how much money the teams spent and yet still they need a major overhaul. Aybar, Callaspo, Iannetta, these guys just aren't doing the job.
  20. Okay, DUDE. Except nothing about this thread or my post was referring to only THIS YEAR.
  21. It's been like this for a decade+ now if you've been paying attention.
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