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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Apparently Trout is not eligible for free agency until 2017?? However is eligible for arbitration in 2015 & 2016 if I'm not mistaken. I'm going to enjoy him while he lasts with us, and this organization better get their heads out of their asses and start winning some pennants and taking advantage of his skills while he's still performing at such a high level. I don't know if we continue to suck if he's going to want to stay and put up with this crap. I can tell you right now, I wouldn't. Because right now Trout is showing no signs of decline. He's going to be a superstar.
  2. I suppose my comment was hyperbole, as I kinda more or less meant I can't imagine being a season ticket holder the past couple years after how poorly we've performed. Because I also see it from your side. A couple years ago I was actually considering going in on season tickets with 3 other people with free premium parking, and it was gonna cost me $1000 or whatever but I didn't care, because I understand that as a kid you thought being able to go to as many games as you wanted would be awesome. I kinda felt the same way about Disneyland recently, as I never had passes there but finally could afford them and jumped on it for a year or 2 because it was just my dream to be able to go to the park whenever I wanted for free. So me and my girl got to enjoy that toegether and it didn't really matter how much it cost, because we had a blast every time we went. Also I will disagree about going to the game and watching it at home, I'd much prefer being at the stadium. Especially when the games are good.
  3. I haven't gone to a game yet this season and I don't regret it a bit. Can't imagine being a season ticket holder.
  4. Hamilton rewarded for putrid performance by getting placed in the 3 hole. This should go well.
  5. Anything by Katy Perry or Lady Gaga. All garbage.
  6. "Hanson looks to turn tide..." Are these Angel reporters on drugs?
  7. No, batting .250 is not good. But if you're getting it done and winning games in the the clutch, who really gives a crap what their batting average is?
  8. Conger was getting consistent playing time and was performing waaaay too well. Time to turn the page and let the crappy catcher get some time. Scioscia sure knows how to screw up momentum with his boneheaded stubborness.
  9. Turned on the game during the 7th inning, watched Calhoun get held up twice tonight, once knowing Hamilton was coming up, and another with Hamilton at the plate. Then I saw Jepsen warming up. Turned off the game after that.
  10. Would definitely be more entertaining than Hamilton has been all season.
  11. He got his contract and is laughing to the bank, baseball is now the least of his worries. You'd think he'd play like he ateast wanted a ring---nope. Just going through the motions...
  12. I don't know why he's been the closer for long, he's shown he is prown to meltdowns ever since we got him. This team doesn't NEED a closer. They need to match up lineups to pitchers to prevent losing games. It's this old Scioscia formula that has for some reason become the norm even though it hasn't worked for the past 4 years. This organization needs to get its head out of its ass.
  13. ^Yah, you're gonna last long. Your logic is flawed, you even admit Trout is amazing, and he HAS been valuable to this team in countless ways. He's holding that average at .329, making amazing plays in the outfield (even when we're losing by 5 late in the game), I just wish he was running like he did last year. Let's be honest, the guy got ripped off last year by a Triple Crown favoring that some people around here argue (and I kind of agree) is over-rated. Especially considering Trout was a freakin' rookie and robbing homers day and night, something Cabrera wishes he could do in his wildest dreams. He is showing no signs of fading no matter how the team around him performs and is still playing like he still deserves it. It's a downright shame his talents are being wasted on a team as pathetic as the Angels.
  14. Hell, why not? It's actually ironic, with the amount of work some people at fast food restaurants do for minimum wage, they are probably more deserving of a tip than servers who basically serve drinks, take an order, then check on the status of plates a food runner brought to the table, and earn hundreds while not breaking a sweat at their restaurant the entire shift. To-Go people at restaurants are actually much like servers. They take and put in orders, customize them, and sometimes do just as much as some servers considering the prep work involved. Sometimes they prepare your soup or put together your salad (don't forget the dressing!), they do bread baskets (don't forget the butter!), they bag everything, put in silverware, napkins, and all the extras (friggin ranch, ALWAYS RANCH), and they ask when the guest comes if there's anything else they need, and at times have several orders at once. I pretty much always tip when I get quality service, and for the most part, it comes back to me ten-fold. I tip at Togo's, I tip at Starbucks, I give a server who was great no less than 20%. I'm not a cheap ass, and I always carry cash. I've worked in the service industry for years, so to me, tipping is something I get joy out of because I know what its like serving the general public (it f***ing sucks), and I know what the feeling is like when I busted my ass and someone noticed and gave me a great tip. For example: every week for about a year I'd work mornings and grab breakfest for my crew at Jack in the Box, and for the most part the same guy was there every time. He never messed up my order, never had an attitude, and our breakfast was always nice and hot. One day I pulled out a 20 when he handed me my food and said "here bud, you're the best fast food employee I've ever come across, this is for you." The look on his face was priceless. Totally worth it. And you know what? The people that work there remember me because for the most part I'm going to be coming back. They hook me up fat on my pastrami sandwich, sometimes give me my coffee or a sandwich for free, and they're actually very noticeable and nice when I walk in the door. And if it costs me an extra buck here or there to show people I appreciate them and get great service with a smile every time, hell, I'll do it all day long.
  15. Jeezus christ are these guys not professional ballplayers? Embarrasing. Do they not know how to yell "I've got it" ?? The unprofessionalism displayed from these guys on the field is astounding, and now its cost this team a starter. Honestly surprised this hasn't happened sooner, I've seen the team have too many close calls in these situations and it's completely unnacceptable. Apparently management dismissed those repeated close calls with an "oh well" and now this has happened. I was also kinda guessing Aybar would have a part in this, seeing all the boneheaded moves he's making all the time. This team continues to find ways to pour salt in the wound.
  16. "Stop being a baby and move on." NICE. Wilsons had an OK time here in Anaheim, but I do have to say, I agree with what he has to say a lot of the time. I also like Trumbos quote as well. It's nice to hear our guys bringing out the brass tacks.
  17. The problem with your theory is to make the playoffs you have to actually win ballgames.
  18. Apparently I'm a racist prick because I found it hilarious.
  19. Ground out Fly out Fly out Way to grind out that 9th inning guys...
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