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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. It's sad to think the only time in 2013 that this team was above .500 was ONE DAY, when they won the first game of the season.
  2. We should hang all 3 of these tools side by side at the same time. That'd be pretty fun.
  3. And yet, his batting average still can't manage to get above .200, just like when we traded him.
  4. lol this is what, the guys 3rd game back? Some members on here have developed into legitamite Bourjos haters, that's for sure. Guy can't do anything right.
  5. Boneheaded on the basepaths, boneheaded in the field, boneheaded in the box. I've wanted to get rid of him for years, I believe he is a big part why this team hasn't been to the playoffs in going on 4 years. He's more concerned with over-celebrating insignifigant walk offs by pounding players on the head.
  6. The worst part is the jackass didn't even ask for help down the line. That's whats so frustrating about these kinds of blown calls.
  7. Ehhh, even I'm a believer in East Coast Bias on the field when the game is in the umpires hands, but for some reason having a "monitoring center" in NY doesn't bug me. I think it'll be more fair and even keeled than the umps are, and it'll deny their lopsided perspective, and reverese their terrible calls. That's all I'm really asking for. Next up, computerized strike zone!
  8. Don't they realize all this crap constantly starts with a walk?
  9. We've been a catalyst to other teams "picking it up" for the past 3+ years now. This is nothing new.
  10. Lets get this team back to less than 10 games under .500 and maybe we'll talk about it.
  11. Fat man just looks clueless out there all the time, doesn't matter if we're winning or losing.
  12. You should relay this tip to AJ because after 15 years of Major League catching he obviously has no clue what he's doing out there.
  13. ^And how terrible is it that? Again and again, an umpire is affecting the outcome of the game with crappy calls. This is pretty much how the Yankee organization has stayed succesful over the years. Little things they get away with which actually make a signifigant impact on the outcome of the game. Go ahead and overlook that first pitch which was a ball but called a strike all you want, but it pretty much lays out the at-bat. This crap happens ALL THE TIME. You playing against the Stankees? It's a constant effing uphil battle against the umps. Playing in Stankee stadium pretty much guarantees you no even keeled calls, we've all seen it over the years, time and again. Hell, after that ball 4 to Trout in the 9th I was basically waiting for him to get rung up for sh**s and gigs, because, let's be honest, would that really be a surprise? Computer generated balls and strikes will pave the way to a Stankee dynasty downfall.
  14. ^I have learned to take nothing more than a grain of salt from anything that is stated the "comments" section.
  15. Pretty funny how AJ got the boot after he basically told off the umpire after that at-bat where Darvish walked the guy.
  16. "(Nelson) took care of business with the bat, and the way he swings it, and also with making sure he catches the ball at third base and that he has been doing for the Anyels, especially to going to his right." what
  17. Let's face it, just one of many oversights by the Angels organization these past couple years. 5 games with 14k's is pretty darn impressive. ^Pretty sure that's batting 2-50 for a whopping .040 batting average.
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