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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. This umpire is garbage. I don't know what to call this game but I definitely wouldn't call it exciting. Even our players look bored.
  2. I guess we should just take his word for it and shrug our shoulders next season when it doesn happen.
  3. Nothing to base it on, but go ahead and start a thread on it.
  4. If Miley and young girls want to be whores, so be it. But what's bullsh*t is that MTV and all these other tabloid style shows and radio stations have become such an unavoidable medium for these trashy whores to be glamourized in front of people to no end. And this doesn't exclude pee-in-the-mop-bucket-boy and woman-beater and all the other losers either. To be honest I find it insulting they think I am stupid enough to be entertained by some 20 year old baby dancing naked, playing with her va**na, and giving out handies and lap dances to any Joe or Harry she can get her filthy fingers on. They way its been declining so rapidly I'm not sure society deserves a little more credit anymore, but I can tell you one thing I sure as hell do.
  5. Yeah, it doesn't make sense that we don't take kindly to people who resort to "**** off" in an otherwise civilized conversation. Jeez. If you've watched Jered any length of time during his 6+ years with the Angels, his velocity has never IMO been his strong point. He's able to adapt to situations and make pitches when it counts. He's not going to overpower guys, but he works to their weaknesses and will find ways to get them out. Big game on the line, Jereds probably the only guy on this team for the past 6+ years I'd hand the ball to. Not even really sure what this means. He's a solid pitcher--but not a top ten--and not a number 1 type guy on a contender...it all comes off like you just don't like the guy. Give credit where credit is due. Weaver has killed it for this team over the course of his career and is no doubt this teams ace. Would he be an ace on a playoff contending team? I think sure as hell he'd try to be. He rises to the occasion and feeds off the success and gets riled when he makes mistakes and put it all out there every single time you hand him the ball. And he'd get pissed when the manager comes out to take it away from him because he wants to keep going. If you've been paying any attention over Jereds career you'd know that's just the way he is. And that's why I think if you actually listen to what people say on these boards, he's one of 2 people on the team that people consistently say they're excited to watch play baseball on this otherwise pathetic team. The other guy is Trout. And if people consistently say Weaver is similar to Trout when it comes to being exciting to watch even though you only see Jered every 4-5 games, that really says something about the type of ballplayer and contender Jered is. And in my books starting pitchers that have those kinds of effects not only on the team but the fans deserves to be called an ace.
  6. That's the thing that bugs me about this crap time and time again. Constant interest in heresay and controversy. "Most people think..." rumors that someone is behind it all laughing for publicity. Does that justify it? Does that even matter? Somebody is getting theirs from basically showcasing the year by year degredation of society that doesn't actually exist, it's just being shoved down peoples throats. Someone is okay with putting this stuff on the tubes. Somebody is okaying these kind of shows and getting views and getting celebrities like Will Smith to be there with his kids because its a "family award show"??? With fingering and gaga buttholes and hand jobs and dry humping?? It's all garbage. And nobody ever has the balls to stand up and say its garbage. Fu** mtv and all the hide behind the media train cowards that consistently push the bar of society downwards. This kind of stuff does no good for anybody.
  7. Saw it tonight thought it was pretty bad ass. Definitely not the best horror movie I've seen, but it had some suprises, made me jump once or twice and had its moments. The blender thing I've never seen done before, found it quite original and hilariously brutal. Where do people think of this stuff lol. Was entertained for the most part. Every movie of this style has its flaws...I don't care I still enjoy the ones that are a little unique like this, The Strangers, Drag me to Hell, etc...
  8. ...and for some reason you find a great deal of Knott's to not be outdated? I had a pass at Knott's for years, the place is fine, it can be clean, but is also a babysitter for cheap parents who drop off their 12 year olds once a week for less than $100 a year. It has some cool rides but compared to Disneyland or CA Adventure its really a dump. Its operations and overall throughput per day are well below Disney, and as far as being an "immersive experience" for millions of people a year, it barely compares. Lots going on at the Disneyland resort every day, wow you can't rush through the rides in 2 hours and go home...but is getting in and out as fast as you can really what you're looking for? Because that's not the type of entertainment the DL resort provides. They don't have the bare bones thrill machines, but for the most part if you're looking for a day of things to do and a pleasent experience DL and CA Adventure can be fun. Knott's and Six Flags have the record breaking xtreme rides, but it can be downright depressing with things that are closed, how empty they can be, how you can pay $40+ for a ticket then be bored after an hour or 2 because you went on everything already. I'm pretty much an adult and I love the crazy scary rides, but as far as overall experience and quality entertainment in a SoCal Amusement park, the DL resorts got it hands down.
  9. Permanantly fastened magnets. Magnets don't fail. This is exactly like Drop of Doom at Magic Mountain, attached to Kingda Ka, a pre-existing ride which has the world's tallest coaster moniker. This is Six Flags using a drop ride system which worked at one park, applying it to another, beating its own company record, and using that record breaking feat for marketing and adverstisement. The best parts about these drop towers is (1) they are true free fall drops not controlled like Supreme Scream and other S&S towers and (2) the towers they are attached to rumble and shake when the coasters they are attached to are launched. For example the Superman cars or the Kingda Ka trains go through their normal operating circuit and shake the towers while you're on the drop rides. Just a whole lot of fun all the way around. Pretty cool!!
  10. This thread and the OP is a joke. Weave hits a bump in the rode for a game or 2 and poozy jumps in to get punches in on a "Weaver is not an ace" thread. Absolute BS. Skip that August 14th fluke, and Jared has allowed 38 earned runs this season in 19 appearances. That's 2 runs per game average. If that's not an ace, I'm not sure what is. Way to try to throw water on one of the only fires left on the team poozy, a guy that goes out there and give 110% every time he takes the mound. Truly not sure what kind of fan you think you are.
  11. I think he thought (1) Gill was bluffing, and (2) figured if he wasn't that Ace Queen (ignoring the cards on the table) is probably a better hand than what Gill was holding (and he was right). When he saw the 2 pair he was probably shitting himself and praying for a queen. I can't believe it actually was a queen. I think Gill was in shock honestly. Took it better than I would have lol.
  12. Holy crap I've finally seen a ballplayer this year that runs slower than Pujols. What kind of "going for a double" pace was that? Terrible!
  13. That pitcher was waaaay too calm after that call. I would have lost my sh*t with such a bologna call, especially with it scoring the go ahead run.
  14. LOL @: "and without Ron Washington mismanaging the team, they would have won at least one of those." Riiiiight. It's Washingtons fault Cruz couldn't catch a fly ball...It's Washingtons fault Freese homered twice...such Ranger ass kissing bologna...
  15. So what? Scioscia's got 10+ years of managerial experience and hows that working out for us? Putting a guy out there who's willing to learn and make mistakes by taking risks might be exactly the type of manager this team needs. I'm not saying I'm 100% for Ripken, but I could care less if a guy has managerial experience or not.
  16. This was a turning point in this organization. This brought forth a string of bad luck and bad contracts and bad acquisitions many of which the repurcussions we are still seeing to this day. In May 2010 the Angels had momentum building up for a succesful season, and after the freak accident the momentum immediately stopped, and the entire situation was all so mindnumbing. The second Kendrys went down this organization suddenly felt like it was missing its piece, while waiting for his recovery it began to crumble, and in turn with his botched surgury, began a snowball effect towards failure and bad luck. We did not see a playoff game that season, and we have not seen a playoff game since. (reposted from another thread)
  17. Yes, I know. I read the OP. I know about Tesla, I know about Musk. Your post made no sense, you backtracked and claimed you were joking, but proceeded to repeat yourself in a double post and now are just being annoying. Musk does not need environmentalists on his side to get what he wants done, period.
  18. Torii was such a good leader in the clubhouse during his tenure, and made such a difference in this teams performance, don't forget that he led us to the playoffs the last 3 years he was here. Oh, wait.
  19. Scioscia should go but neither will be gone.
  20. This team has had a willingness and desire to showcase opposing teams and their players for years now and it's downright disgusting. I can't think of another sports team or organization that has such a lack of pride in their own product on the field that they do this kind of crap.
  21. Honestly, this. This was a turning point in this organization. This brought forth a string of bad luck and bad contracts and bad acquisitions many of which the repurcussions we are still seeing to this day. In May 2010 the Angels had momentum building up for a succesful season, and after the freak accident the momentum immediately stopped, and the entire situation was all so mindnumbing. The second Kendrys went down this organization suddenly felt like it was missing its piece, while waiting for his recovery it began to crumble, and in turn with his botched surgury, began a snowball effect towards failure and bad luck. We did not see a playoff game that season, and we have not seen a playoff game since.
  22. If we kept Greinke I doubt he'd be having the same season he's having now. I mean, just look at our team. It's downright embarrasing.
  23. Yeah, crushed, I'm sure. *rolls eyes* Even so, not sure what it has to do with the hyperloop...
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