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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. God da***t!! Of course I'm finally going to a game where he's scheduled to start then he's scratched.
  2. I like this countdown mostly because Trout keeps making history when the rest of the team isn't. Unfortunately by me participating in the thread, this will probably not happen. Sorry.
  3. Yay. He performs when its irrelevent and nobody cares. He's Wellsying it. It's like Vernon never left.
  4. I'm trying to decide if I was in Trouts shoes...would I rather... 1) Stick with the team you came up with, get paid well, and maybe have a chance of getting to the Playoffs/WS in the next 5 years. 2) Get paid well by a competitive team, where you have a legitimite chance of going to the playoffs and winning a ring. I dunno. Considering the way the Halos have played for the past 4 years, and what a lack of professional baseball they've played, I wonder if he'd wanna go to a team that might actually, you know, PLAY MAJOR LEAGUE CALIBER BASEBALL WHILE WINNING SOME GAMES??? I wouldn't blame him. I love Trout, but let's be honest, hitting .330 while EVERY OTHER PLAYER is under .300 is pretty much pathetic. Basically giving it your all while "veterans" are mailing it in for 25 times your salary doesn't exactly make you wanna stick around to see if somewhere down the line they'll start "caring" about winning ballgames. This Angel Organization is trying so desperately to hold on to the credibility of a decade ago when its pretty much obvious that they're embarrasing themselves. And the fat man ain't helping! I know they've played well the last 2 weeks, but Trout is being overlooked, Trout is on a losing team, and Trout is not going to the playoffs AGAIN. How long untill the guy actually wants to be out there winning, instead of busting his ass and getting nothing for it? I'm not saying I like it, I'm saying if I was in Trouts shoes, I'm trying to wonder why I would even bother hanging around with this team.
  5. I will probably never forget being able to hear the roar of the thundersticks at my buddies house miles away from the stadium watching the game on the night of that glorious game 7. From the game mostly I remember Anderson in the clutch, knowing Erstad would catch the ball, and Percy celebrating like his career had been fulfilled. It all happened so quick, like we didn't even see it coming, but everyone in the city knew what had happened. I can't imagine how stoked they'd be if it happened again.
  6. The thing is they're not even nicknames. They're just the players' last name cut off with a "y" added to the end.
  7. Now if only the Dogs could blow it. They'll probably make the playoffs, but I hope to hell they don't make it past the first round.
  8. It doesn't. That statement was pretty absurd. However if I had a say at this point I think I'd take Joe Torre over Joe Girardi.
  9. Amazing how this sport and its publicity and "forgetting" works. Everyone hates the guys guts for 1/2 the season, then you put a bat in his hand and all of a sudden its as if its forgotten. Screw that crap. The only reason A-Rod is playing is because he appealed his suspension for steroids. All the other players are taking their punishments in stride. There's no reason the guy should even be on the field right now, nonetheless making the playoffs. As for Vernon Wells, well, I think anyone that watched him on our team during his tenure knew his performance in the new environment would only last so long. He will always be Wellsy-ing it to me.
  10. I'm can't for the life of me figure out which planet these asshats get their moral compasses from. Or maybe its just that they don't have one?
  11. I wonder how many dollars in jet fuel that is? Good thing those Prius' are gonna save the planet.
  12. Actually if you're paying attention it never really goes away.
  13. Scioscia's sugar coating sickens me. Maybe if he came back to reality every once in a while this team wouldn't be in the mess its been in for the past 4 years.
  14. "He’ll end his season having played in 17 games with a .190 average and a lone homer and lone double his only real production." ...and MIGHT excercise his 2014 player option. LOL jeezus Jeter give it up already...
  15. Shocking that the media would use the Zimmerman name to create a fictional story as *Breaking News* when basically nothing happened.
  16. Well duh! Michael Jackson's in it!
  17. If you're more of a football fan than a baseball fan, sure, I guess...
  18. Eff AJ. On Friday they only announced his name 1 time when he came up to bat in fear that the crowd would "erupt" into boos. And they did. This team is so considerate to other players on opposing teams it makes me wanna puke.
  19. He's as much as a fraud as you are a legitamite contribution to these boards. Way to root for the Angels.
  20. What does this have to do with anything beside you getting your shots in on an injured Pujols? Don't come into a Trumbo thread and bitch about a Pujols contract that has nothing to do with a guy that has played well for the halos.
  21. Taking Togo's into the park tomorrow. Yes I am going to a game and even I can't believe it.
  22. Can't argue with that. Sick of crappy umpiring taking the bats out of the hands of the players or screwing the pitchers purely out of spite. Happened tonight to Trout. That low pitch was called a strike and out of the zone and Trout let CB know. The next one was lower and CB called it a strike just to make a point.
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