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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Lol @ Tori deserves a ring. I don't even...
  2. Was thinking about getting off work early and going to the game today to see Weav, unfortunately it looks like a good thing that I didn't.
  3. Don't know why Trout would even be interested in staying with this team when we have an incompetent manager, a sub-.500 record, and almost a half a decade where we haven't seen one inning of postseason baseball.
  4. No Trout at the last home game of the season. That's our manager!
  5. Saw Blink 182 in Santa Barbara that was pretty cool and worth the drive out there.
  6. The other night a good buddy of mine was talking about this stuff and for some reason swore there was no way Miley would go to rehab. I thought that was preposterous and told him I would bet him $1000 that no doubt, Miley would be in rehab within the next 5 years. 9-24-2018 Is the date. I'm hoping it's the easiest grand I'll ever make in my life.
  7. Getting closer...hope he goes on a tear this last week... And when he does he's watching them.
  8. Would like to see Trout steal more but if the reason really is "there's been no need to push it this last month because it's all for not" I guess I understand that. I have noticed he's not quite as speedy either, but he still gets opposing teams to rush their plays. One game I went to Trout got doubled up to end the inning after a leadoff single and I was trying to figure out why the hell he'd be standing on 1st so long just waiting to get doubled up.
  9. I would be hilarious if Scioscia came out after one of these last couple games in an interview and said "You know mathematically, if we win the next 8 games we're still in this thing" and everyone just kinda silenced and looked at eachother like is this guy out of his freakin mind.
  10. Who said I had a problem with them celebrating their own players' last performances at Yankee Stadium? I don't think anyone did. I'm just saying its nice that the Yankees for once did not get to finish the season in picture perfect fashion like they tried to, in how they have made such a habit of doing so for so long. That being said: Screw the Yankees.
  11. Following a 50 minute pre-game ass kissing ceremony to Rivera, as well as a standing ovation to Pettite's last home game. BOO. FREAKIN. HOO. Also: Cano getting thrown out at home for the last out of the 8th inning was awesome.
  12. Sometimes I think "How can this be possible???" but then I remember we're talking about the Angels.
  13. The thing is previously in the game when we were tied Howie hit a double, and without batting an eye, the Mariners walked Trout to get to Hamilton who freaking blows because they didn't want the winning run coming in off a guy who's batting .330. So basically it was foreshadowing of what they would do, and Scioscia should have known off the bat that if the game was tied with a guy on second and Trout came up, that they were going to intentionally walk him to get to Hamilton who freaking blows. So what happens later in the game when we're still tied? We get Shuck to walk, and immediately fat man has Howie bunting to move him to second base. Ridiculous. LET HOWIE BAT! So Howie ends up advancing the runner, and Trout is up with the go ahead run on second and WHADDYA KNOW, they decide to intentionally walk Trout for the second time in a row to get to Hamilton who freaking blows. Hamilton who freaking blows grounds into his second double play and the inning is over. This is just not true at all. So be it, Kendrick hits into a double play, atleast you're not taking the bat out of the hands of the best player on the team. Atleast Trout gets to come up and actually have an at bat. What if Howie K'd? We'd have one out and they'd be forced to pitch to Trout! We all know he's a guy who can get it done with one swing of the bat. He doesn't even need a homer, he can hit a ball down the line and we've got the lead. It's just completely assinine over managing and in this situation when you're at the top of the order late in the game let the guys swing the bat. Don't take the bat out of the hands of your best hitter. Period.
  14. Give me a break this guy has been hitting wussy dingers over that joke of a porch in right field in that band box of a stadium for years now so this barely counts. Guy shouldn't even be holding a baseball bat he should be suspended.
  15. Don't know why it took you 2 seoerate posts to grasp at straws. You really only had enough material to make one.
  16. Weird to wonder about but something very realistic that hadn't even crossed my mind. Glad you asked, and glad to hear the people might actually get some of that stuff back.
  17. If the thread was not succesful before why would we torture the Hangout forum with another?
  18. LOL and if you look closely, what we have right here in this quoted post is precisely the problem. Hey man! Me and my country, we voted for a Black guy to be in charge, TWICE. So since I voted for the guy even though I'm not really sure whether or not he was qualified, I'm like, no longer a hypocrite, or a racist, or ignorant, or any of that other bad stuff. And neither is my country. So I'm just gonna go ahead and keep voting for guys that run our country in to the ground so I can stand up here and feel like I'm a perfect person while I point out the bigots.
  19. Blah blah blah old hat repeating post not saying anything new. And Senator McComplain? Really? The best people can come up with? That's Senator McLAME.
  20. I knew as soon as he blew that play it was going to be a mistake the Mariners Kohnd't refuse to take advantage of.
  21. Of course its stud man Peter Bourjos, the guys got pop and every Angel fan knows it. Not surprised at all.
  22. Was at the game and when I saw this happen me and my dad looked at eachother like "Is Scioscia insane?" But you're OK with making Iannetta have to split the gap or hit a HR?? WTH?? Holy hell Mike. All we needed was a home run. A freaking home run, and Trout is more than capable of hitting one. AND YOU TOOK THE BAT OUT OF THE HANDS OF ONE OF THE LEAGUES BEST HITTERS! There's no excuse for that. Stop being so freaking thick headed and recognize the situation instead of screwing the team over. Even if we made the playoffs the fat man would figure out some way to screw it up. Get rid of this guy. It's ridiculous.
  23. Uhhh, yeah, pretty much! What the hell are people talking about they didn't get to celebrate on the field? What a bunch of bologna. Sorry hipsters that think Brian Wilson moral highground tweets are something to take with anything more than a grain of salt, I'm gonna have to side with McCain on this one. Doyers got their celebration on the field in front of fans. Doyers got their celebration in the clubhouse. What the f*** are you doing in a place you don't belong? Just not a respectful way to celebrate or treat another stadium or team at all. Uhhhh, give it 6 more months and I think you'll see Obama wins that one (if he already hasn't).
  24. Who the hell decides to give these terrible reporters a job? That video was freakin' horrible. I had to stop watching it as soon as she started talking.
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