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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Awesome, thanks for the confirmation. And the Rangers and Cleveland being tied for a 1 game playoff just to get to the 1 game wild card! Didn't even think of that!
  2. You mean the video on Page 2... http://www.angelswin-forum.com/forums/topic/7892-brawl-in-brewers-braves-game/page-2 Did you even bother looking?
  3. I love when people insert random pictures of players in response to a post, and the picture isn't relevent to anything talked about in said post.
  4. Is it Cleveland wins 2 and Texas loses 2 for the Rangers to be eliminated? Rangers Magic # for WC Elimination is 4...
  5. BY SPLITTING UP THE PLAYERS THAT ARE FIGHTING JUST LIKE THE BENCHES DO WHEN THEY CLEAR You can't just hand out suspensions for clearing benches! Sorry! That makes no sense! Right. This from the guy who quoted and agrees with the "gay" statement made at the top of this thread. But I'm the one acting childish. Get real.
  6. Yes, without a doubt this is an accurate portrayal of all people in Texas, not just this shi**y lady. Way to make overarching statements with no valididty whatsoever.
  7. Yanks score only 1 run with the bases loaded because of a walk. I'm saying it's pathetic to send out your legendary closer in a mop up role just to make a final appearance. He had his last hurrah days ago, give it up.
  8. This isn't the NHL, and fights don't break out in nearly the same way. And just because the bullpen comes running doesn't mean they're there to make things worse. MLB is not going to suspend players just for clearing benches during a scuffle whether its the dugout or bullpen. That's dumb. And that's why your statement is dumb.
  9. I actually thought it was a breath of fresh air for McCann to physically stand between Gomez and home plate after that cruise around the bases where he was showboating and mouthing off like a complete douchebag. It was disrespectful not only to the Braves, but to the game of baseball. And refusing to let Gomez touch the plate basically said "That's not how you play baseball, especially not on my home field, and unfortunately you're not getting to the plate unless you get through me first." And I have no problem with that. lol what Probably the dumbest statement in this thread.
  10. Holy hell let's hope that's not the case.
  11. The Stankees would. And let's be honest, the team is down by 5 runs. Now it's just pathetic.
  12. I actually don't know how McCann restrained himself from giving Gomez some chin music. He was pretty amped up!
  13. And the Rays make it 7-2 with 4 runs in the 6th. Looks like Stankee Stadium won't be hearing any Enter Sandman tonight...
  14. Screw that noise. In both of the instances you mention these players could have just, oh I dunno, ACTED LIKE PROFESSIONAL ADULTS instead of little wienie kids with poor sportsmanlike attitudes. Far fetched for some of you to fathom, I know.
  15. Rooting for the Pirates cause I love me some underdogs.
  16. lol in the video you can hear the first baseman screaming at Gomez "F***in' run god dam**t!!" HAHAHA Also, doesn't the runner have to touch home? From the video it looks like that didn't happen...
  17. Dude that was freakin' awesome by McCann. Only escalated because Gomez couldn't stop mouthing off to the 1st baseman all the way to 3rd. Screw Gomez, IMO totally disrespectful and McCann standing up to him was not out of line.
  18. The swimming caps really complete the ensemble.
  19. AHAHAHAHAA!!! Better than the costumes the past year or so? I think its a toss up. I dunno why some people seem to have a problem with this stuff, cause I love it. Its especially fun when the rookies play along with it too. Nice to see the tradition alive.
  20. Its really hard to blame Langston. These are professional ballplayers and they make plays. Acting like you're putting pressure on them when you're really just giving them opportunities to make routine plays at this level is just assinine. More lack of quality managing from Scioscia.
  21. Good thing Mikes sitting Trout to give all these young guys experience. They sure as hell need it.
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