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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Hitless this season, throw him a effing strike and let him get himself out Anderson!
  2. Well at least Sano gets out with 1 pitch instead of Schanuel getting out with 5 or 6 pitches...oh wait
  3. Pretty much knew as soon as they talked about Canning only giving up 1 stolen base all last year that they'd be constantly running on him.
  4. I would be fine if Neto was hitting the ball well and had good at bats, but his excuse me swings at pitches 6+ inches off the plate is so reminiscent of Angels offense over the last half a decade and it just makes me sick watching him in the box.
  5. Yes. That second one is what I saw. Didn't think it deserved best picture, but who cares those awards are pretty meaningless to me. I *might* need to check this 1996 one though haha. Although every time I watch 90's movies these days, they're mostly pretty terrible lol
  6. Wow I think I actually remember seeing this movie. Don't recall it being nearly as Skinimaxy as that trailer though...
  7. Don't know why I can't get in to the Blast. I've given it a lot of chances, but I'd rather just have the original Dew.
  8. I was going to say 3 runs isn't bad if Canning has a bounce back inning...but that 4th run...that kinda hurts.
  9. If it gets to 5 at least it'll give me a chance to switch over to the Rays.
  10. Whoever signed off on those disgusting yellow BoSux jerseys should be fired.
  11. Looks like Rendon watched 2 strikes then swung at the ball. Looks like Schanuel swung at ball 3 then watched strike 3.
  12. So I guess Hicks has earned playing time over Adell? The rest of the lineup is fine, but Adell constantly riding the pine is starting to worry me. With the short porch in left, I could see him getting one over the monster.
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