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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. I think Washington is the only manager I can think of that makes dumber moves than Scioscia. This was most definitely one of those instances.
  2. Trout with not even a pitch to hit. Just to show up Hamilton. If I were Scioscia I'd pinch hit for Hamilton with a righty. Iannetta maybe?
  3. The fish stinks from the head. Scioscia has to go, and we need a coaching staff with some balls.
  4. I don't know why they'd even bother pitching to Trout he's the only guy on the team that can actually do some damage...
  5. And you know what's funny? Some people still swear that Management/Coaching is not the problem. But I don't think its a coincidence that Terry Francona goes to a new team and gets them into the playoffs. The guy does not accept bad baseball. And here we are playing bad baseball for 4 f***ing years and at some point there needs to be some accountability. Playing like this is completely unnacceptable.
  6. this teams buttholes get so tight against texas in arlington I don't freaking get it at all play with some passion for f***s sake!
  7. Pierzynski knows plenty about smart baserunning against the Angels...
  8. lol just what we need this team just finds ways to give games away
  9. You'd think he'd change up his big swing, and go to a nice easy swing just to try to make some sort of contact. Look for fastballs and just try to get the ball to hit the bat. Trumbo's swing is off, and his head is off, he's all over the place. It's really bad.
  10. Yeah this last month or so of Trumbo has been downright horrific. The guy doesn't even make good swings. Its like he's up there thinking waaaay too much.
  11. No I don't think so I've got a pretty perfect definition of that word in the content of your posts.
  12. Obviously not otherwise you wouldn't have overlooked the fact that I prefaced my comment with "Maybe its just me and that I watch the Angels more than any other team...
  13. So is Vernon. That's a month of baseball he gets off.
  14. Obviously with only 45 posts you don't pay too much attention around here...
  15. Maybe its just me and that I watch the Angels more than any other team but I seem to notice a general disrespect by the umps towards our team more than any other that I've seen. For example, the Yanks and Sox get away with murder from the umps.
  16. Man the Indians are a team that really look like they can put together productive innings.
  17. Indians just scored on an error...3-0 Indians...
  18. I don't so much care about the pictures, it's just annoying that a signature practically doubles the size of the post.
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