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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. LOL @ MHD flushing what little credibility he had straight down the toilet.
  2. I'm sure the board will probably just take your word for it that there is an announcement because heck, you started the thread...
  3. Pirates got their work cut out for them, but I'm rootin' for them all the way.
  4. I agree about the transition, Mike is going to sit up there and say "It's been a pleasure managing this team for the past 10+ years but I think my energy could better be put towards something a little more behind the scenes, and I think (insert new Manager name here) is going to do a great job of showing these guys how to play the game." And that'll be all.
  5. NO on Cano Ugh, the only thing that blows is he'll be a monster in Texas (and probably ream our asses every time we pitch against him) considering how similar a band box it is to Stankee stadium. Honestly that's why I think Beltre has been even close to a success.
  6. I seem to remember a lot of inherited runners crossing the plate when Downs would come in, but maybe I'm wrong. His numbers look good if you look at the stats, but again, if he was not even considered for the NL Postseason, I think that says more of what other teams think of him than what the Angels did.
  7. Some things you just won't know until you try...
  8. LOL I'm not sure I would ever believe self medication by sticking a needle in my ass would be legal under any circumstances, even if I didn't play ball.
  9. Awesome. So we held on to a guy for years who couldn't even make the cut for a NL playoff spot. Who the hell is in charge of deciding which guys play for our team???
  10. Honestly, let's consider what headcases Pujols and Hamilton have become under current management and consider what a headcase Trumbo wouldn't be if he were on another team. There's no way a guy like Trumbo should be swinging straight through fastballs down the pipe like he did the last 2 months of 2013. Trumbo is being undervalued, because if traded he will go to a team that won't dick with him around, will give him some solid advice in the box, and he'll improve significantly. I can only imagine the type of hitter Trumbo would be if he were on a team like St Louis or Detroit.
  11. Take the $14 Mill in 2014 and work your ass off to increase your value for a longer term contract in 2015 and beyond.
  12. I agree about the automatic paychecks, however I gotta be honest, the Angels have not played the way I saw the Pirates win tonight in a very long time. Even if the Angels got there, I'm not sure I've seen that the Angels team has what it takes to actually last in that type of atmosphere. And as sad as I am to say that I really think its true. Let's hope every member of the Angels remember how it feels to not be in the Playoffs when the beginning of 2014 rolls around.
  13. The thing about Trumbo that makes him valuable to other teams is that once he gets off the Angels he'll inevitably hit better. The way the Angels staff has not been able to minimize his head case slumps is apparently something that he'll have to learn elsewhere. I really do think Trumbo is a better hitter than he has shown with the Angels. The same way Pujols and Hamilton have struggled with us.
  14. I have actually wondered why with Mike Scioscia being so adamant about his catchers why the Angels wouldn't have picked him up if not only for his defense but his experience behind the plate. Feels like a missed opportunity, he's good enough and played with good teams, and might even be able to help develop a pitching staff. Clearly we have been missing that for the past 4 years. Either way, I would take him over Iannettta any day, but keep Conger.
  15. Yup. He's actually pretty good. Reminds me of a more experienced Mark Langston.
  16. Morneau and Russell Martin on the Pirates? That's how you pick 'em! Take notes Dipoto and Arte!
  17. ...neds a T1 line to his brain. LOL This was in reference to a terrible Joe West called strike that he hesitated to call.
  18. This is a great game. I'm not really a fan of this new format because of 1 game elimination, but it's hard to not root for a team like the Pirates who had 2 decades of losing seasons and 20 years of no playoffs games. Especially after watching the lethargic way our team has played for the past 4 years.
  19. I'm rooting for the Bucs awesome the way they've turned it around. Also did you guys see the pitcher drop the ball a pitch before Russel Martin hit that homer??? This is probably the most involved nuts crowd I've seen at a ballgame in a long time.
  20. Getting Scioscia out of the picture is a start to the long term fixing this organization needs.
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