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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. All the Cards need is 1 in LA and this is theirs.
  2. Dodgers are choking. Just like they always do. 13K's for the Dogs today.
  3. That was dumb to pull Kershaw, but maybe Michael Young will come through with a passed ball and guy on 2nd. Now passed ball guy on 3rd! Gotta be honest the Dodgers look a little intimidated.
  4. How can the Cardinals rotation be so good and so deep and ours be absolute garbage. That's just bad scouting and acquisitions. The Cardinals are so tough and prepared. It's pretty admirable. They're mad professional.
  5. Hilarious! I've never seen this clip before, thanks so much for sharing it was a real hoot!
  6. I would most definitely have rather kept Greinke than Hamilton pretty much because we have an abundance of outfielders and Greinke was a pretty good pitcher. That being said, I don't know if Greinke is worth the money and I don't think he's THAT GREAT of a pitcher, I think he was overvalued. Again, that's not saying our team has half dozen pitchers that are better than him, I just think his success this year is greatly attributed by the consistency of the Dodgers offense and other intangibles. I don't feel like Greinke would have performed as well had he pitched with us the way we played this year.
  7. Can't help but wonder if Puig will end up being one of those A-Roid/Swisher guys who just blow during the postseason.
  8. oooh! oooh! Show me how! I've never been able to figure it out...
  9. ^Yeah it's kinda weird they'd have the only the NLCS...like MLB would only give them 1 of the 2... Sorry for the title mistake...
  10. It sucks this game is not on Fox, I don't have cable and thought I'd be able to watch both the AL and NL Championship Series.
  11. LOL that was quite a roll he was on there. Haha although I agree with most of that post. The A'th are almost like the Braves, they just don't get to the playoffs as often. They've got enough ammo to get to the playoffs, but when they need hits and the intangibles to win in the postseason, they stop doing their thing. I want Detroit to beat the Sox, then the Cards to sweep Detroit in their second straight WS appearance.
  12. I can't stand these commentators on the radio. Absolute garbage.
  13. Bottom of 9, A'th down 3-0 You can't win if you don't score runs!
  14. Same here. 1 hit so far. Down by 3 in the 8th, the A'th are done.
  15. Ugh that might be all they need too...
  16. The A's just need to get Verlanders pitch count high, and get it there quick
  17. I CANNOT STAND PEOPLE WHO POST PICTURES OF THEIR HALF EATEN FOOD Fine! If you're at an expensive restaurant take a picture right when you get your $40 plate if you really have to. But don't chomp down and dig in and put your germs all over your plate and eat half of your food then take a picture of it and expect me to not be grossed out or say something. Nobody wants to see that sh*t! GROSS!
  18. Actually I found this No Hangover drink at my local 7-Eleven and I was surprised it really worked! I drank a quarter of it before I went out to drink, and then another quarter before I went to bed. So I only drank half of it and it helped tremendously. I was even drinking hard alcohol (shots) and a pretty heavy Goose Island beer. http://www.resqwater.com/ Going to try it again on Friday night to see if it was just a fluke.
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