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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. You're not going to convince him. He enjoys the showboating and poor sportsmanship, not gonna change his mind. Ha, and did you see how mature Ortiz acted when he hit that ball? Would like to see some of that professionalism from the Dodgers, that's all.
  2. Hindsight sure is nice. Napoli has sucked for pretty much the entire postseason. Anybody on the Sox is capable of taking advantage of a mistake. Verlander made one.
  3. It really is redeeming in a "it still sucks" kinda way. I don't like that Nap is on the Sux but atleast some of us know we were right about fully supporting Napoli over Mathis at the time when we let him go. Skip was just completely ignorant in that decision. Another thing I don't understand is how these guys are whiffing at fastballs. Nice. Easy. Swings are all you need for basehits to score runs. Guys like Mr. MVP Cab are pulling their heads like Little Leaguers when watching the ball is as important as ever.
  4. Verlander had 7k's in a row. Papi thought that was gone. Go Tigers!
  5. Verlander 6 K's in a row. Guys a beast. Definitely going for Tigers over Chowds.
  6. Not a fan of that either. The more they let this crap happen, the more we're gonna see it. I like to see the guys acting like professionals during the game. Celebrate like asshats once you win.
  7. Jeezus, that's a lot of coffee. Glad to hear Date Chick sounds like a pretty chill easy going gal. I also like that she texts you when she gets home, when she wants to do something, etc. I always liked when girls I was dating or seeing would randomly hit me up, or do things to help me feel like they missed me. I also like when they say they want something, and for some reason they're just not gonna do it unless I go too. Good for you DR, from what I remember in your past Weekend Shen posts, this kind of relationship with a female is right up your alley. Also, it really is a peeve when friends act different just because their chicks around. It can really ruin that infrequent amount of time you actually get to hang out with your buddies.
  8. Gotta say with what he's seen on this team during his tenure so far, I'm not sure why he'd wanna stick around.
  9. I did notice him leaning over the plate more than other players during the game. I also think Verlander is the kind of guy that does or says stuff like this sometimes just in case one of those chowds is reading the news before the game...get into their heads a little...
  10. I think the only way the Dogs win this series is if they sweep the Cards at home, and only have to win 1 in St. Louis. God I hate seeing them win.
  11. Dodgers celebrate after extra base hits like they've already got this thing in the bag. They haven't even won a game yet.
  12. Just what we need, some Chowd playoff bandwagoner stinking up the boards.
  13. Almost 100% sure "adjusting to shadows" is not part of the game. I'm no expert though...so you might wanna double check with someone wearing Doyer apparel...I have a hunch they'd know better than me...
  14. Napsacks a Bosock now. And he's performin' like the guy we all know... Time to shave the gross pubes Mike...maybe you won't K as much when they're outta your face!
  15. This teams such a mess! How did it get to this point?! *cries**runsoff*
  16. Down 0-2 to the Cards with their pitching? I dunno about that now...
  17. The last 2 top of the innings were like 5 minutes each, tops.
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