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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. 2 weakly hit ground balls by both Cab and Field...
  2. If the Tigers lose a big part of it is going to be the big names (Cab/Fielder) not coming through in the clutch.
  3. Lol don't know what Cabs swinging at. Some MVP
  4. Seems Fielder has been struggling too. Easy ground balls and K's are all I seem to see from him.
  5. Don't know how this Tiger team made it this far. They look terrible out there tonight.
  6. Lol Joes West is such a fat slob he looks like he was about to have a heart attack getting out of the way of that ball hit up the middle
  7. Which is not much of a change from how they look at 20.
  8. Tigers getting it done. No lead is safe with Boston.
  9. I like when we refer to him as Fat Man and everyone on the boards knows exactly who we're talking about.
  10. I really don't want the Tigers to win the ring, but it would be nice to see Torii finally make it the the World Series. Please beat the Sox today Tigers!!
  11. You have to admire the Cardinals making things interesting in the 9th down by 4, after watching the way the Angels have folded when down from the 7th inning on the past couple years.
  12. Tigers gotta win today to keep it interesting IMO
  13. Does ELO have a vocalist? If not I'm pretty sure I'm familiar with some of their tunes. Can't tell if serious? Register/upload it on photobucket, then click the little "poloaroid photo" button on the reply toolbar on Angelswin, and copy/paste the URL from photobucket. It should pop right up.
  14. Working on cars sucks if you don't have the right tools, and newer cars are getting increasingly difficult to repair on ones own. Add things like getting dirty, dinging up knuckles, squeezing parts in and out of the engine compartment, and the frustration with stuff not fitting quite right when you put it back together and honestly it's hard to blame some mechanics for charging so much. Some easy things are worth doing yourself, an alternator for example is a pretty basic replacement. Replacing brake pads or spark plugs, generally not too difficult, but sometimes even I'm okay with paying to have them replace things because I don't have the time and don't want to deal with the headache. Also, from personal experience, Auto Parts stores give the wrong parts/non-working parts all the time. You get home to put the part on, then its back to the Auto Part store you go. I went through 2 master cylinders one time due to defects and leaks. You wait a day or two for a part, it doesn't work, then you gotta wait a day or two to get another one. So it can be pretty frustrating, but after all is said and done for me I have peace of mind that I know I did it right and I'm glad I could finish the job myself. But not everybody is so lucky. Haha yup. This is where they make their money, just like with Taylor. Almost $300 to replace maybe $50 in plastic parts. But Audi's unlike Fords are tough to work on, and they're not cheap. I don't doubt the spark plugs are in an inconvenient spot, the oil and "look at some things" is all "peace of mind" bologna they'll overview for pretty much pure profit. I have a coworker who has dropped $2000 on parts and labor every couple months for his Audi and is finally getting rid of it because it's literally a money pit for him. He knows nothing about cars and has no tools and is pretty much at their mercy. Tried to warn him but he wanted that Audi!
  15. LOL they shoudnt be surprised. The Dodgers always blow it. Nice uh-oh swing there Puig. Try admiring that.
  16. Dodgers pulling an Angels baserunning error @ 2nd base. Punto picked off after hitting a double. Quick 7th inning. NOW there's only 6 outs left for the Dogs.
  17. Dodgers end the 7th with a GIDP. Cards up 3-2 top of 8 6 more outs. C'mon Cards, squeeze out this win!
  18. Overall? I don't know. I don't watch him enough to see him flip bats or "pimp" home runs. But I do know on Sunday when he hit that grand slam he took it in stride. Like a professional. And I haven't seen a lot of that from the Dodgers, that's for sure.
  19. LOL that's not advice - that's how you hit a baseball. But keep on comin' with the childish namecalling and lack of maturity in mostly everything you post.
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