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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Its because he plays for Boston and MLB loves Boston.
  2. I f**king f**king hate the f**king chowds.
  3. Shmoopy was pretty hot too, would prolly pick her over the soup.
  4. Worthless bet. TD does that no matter who wins.
  5. Cardinals bats better start waking up and scoring runs or this is gonna be a short series. 1 run ain't gonna do it.
  6. What we are seeing from the Cardinals is a lot of whiffs.
  7. Ugh walks. Why they gotta start with the walks.
  8. Yahoo is really doing a good job on keeping up with their reputation for garbage articles.
  9. It was that way the whole series. I thought Delores and the one who walked around the apartment naked were among the hottest.
  10. Judging by the title I'm fairly certain he wasn't asking what people thought about the service.
  11. As far as I see it tonight is a Must Win for the Cards.
  12. MLB responds as well as a video from MLB Tonight: http://mlb.mlb.com/news/article/mlb/mlb-issues-statement-regarding-speculation-of-foreign-substance-on-jon-lesters-glove?ymd=20131024&content_id=63302206&vkey=news_mlb Lester blows it off as a booger, Manager Jon Farrel acts like it's a common, everyone on MLB tonight swears its not cheating, but as far as I'm concerned the MLB Commentators are BoSox ass kissers, so I don't believe a damn thing they say. Saying "just because nobody noticed it" during the game doesn't mean it didn't enhance his pitching. And like Eric Notti says, these umpires wouldn't have the balls to boot Lester from the game, and they ain't gonna be checking his glove next game. Just like they don't have the balls to NOT REVERSE a call in favor of the BoSox like I have never seen them do in a World Series Game ever before. Lester got away with it, and what's done is done. Here's a quick way to solve the problem (but this of course will never happen): Where's the hell is Lesters glove? Let's all take a good look at the glove and discover exactly what's there. If he's not cheating and isn't concerned, the substance will obviously still be there. It seems like the easiest solution to kill this rumor is to look directly at the glove and figure out what that green substance is that he was obviously rubbing his fingers against, but nobody is going to be willing to do that.
  13. Yeah, that picture and the two showing the lumberjacks next to those unimaginably huge redwood trees are breathtaking.
  14. I don't have the slightest clue what you're trying to say, however, I am forced to imagine an inebriated facial expression slamming forehead first into a keyboard split seconds after posting...
  15. Can't believe we're paying Joe Blowton that much. The Angels need pitching and they need it bad. But if this team is going to be successful next year we also need to begin playing good fundamental baseball while being smarter at the plate.
  16. Probably the shortest BoSox WS game I've ever seen.
  17. Unfortunately McCarver didn't have the time to go into detail.
  18. Lame that the vids are not on Gameday until the end of the game.
  19. Boston took advantage of the opening game jitters of the first couple innings it seems...
  20. Hey now hes prolly got a neighbor that's moms uncle is a lawyer that has a shitload of credentials and specializes specifically in childrens jury duty cases and they talk about this stuff all the time so I don't really think its our place to question his personal experience and inherent knowledge on the issue.
  21. I suspect the people that were cool with giving out licences to illegal aliens in the first place are totally cool with this happening as well. This is quite a country we're shaping for ourselves.
  22. Too bad bullying is a part of life and never really goes away even when people grow up and become adults. Some people just deal with it better than others, but I think we've all been bullied at some point or another in our lives and it's just something you learn to be that better person about. And unfortunately if you're gonna be someone who's bullying expect to be the target of something like this when somebody snaps. Not saying one action is deserved because of the other, but that's not really how this stuff works in life. It's also pretty ridiculous that in this day and age with all we know and hear about these kinds of stories that the kid knew about and had access to his parents gun. I wasn't informed there was a gun in my parents house until I was out of high school and my dad said there was a reason for that. There is a certain responsibility when it comes to having kids and having a gun in the house, one of which is not letting them know there's a gun in the house and also making sure there's no way they can get to it even if they're looking. Much like the video game aspect these are all just examples of poor parenting, and over and over its costing seemingly innocent people their lives.
  23. Does anyone know how we get on the jury duty lists to being with? Last I heard it was when you register to vote. If I knew then what I know now I would have gladly refused to register to vote in order to never have to do jury duty again.
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